Thursday, September 28, 2017

Pro-Choice Versus Pro-Life? My Private Answer.

I was fully supportive (but very sad) when a girlfriend many years ago aborted a baby we would’ve had.

I am fervently pro-choice. I will never be otherwise.

She didn’t tell me she was doing it.

She told me she was pregnant. Told me she needed to be alone. She was crying and then hung up.

I tried calling, visiting, stalking, everything for three days. No answer or response.

“I want you to have the baby,” is last thing I said to her.

And then she contacted me and told me she had an abortion. She told me a month later she would’ve named a girl “Daisy” after my grandma. She was crying when she said it.

Inside I was devastated. But my job was to comfort her and I did. And six months later we broke up.

I am just as much pro-choice. If it’s possible to be more than I was then, then I am more.

A friend of mine is pro-life. We have been close friends for 18 years. I seldom talk on the phone with anyone but my friend and I talk on the phone with him 2-3 times a day.

Most people are “single issue” people. I will define that as: “if you don’t believe in my issue, you are not my friend.”

There’s a lot of reasons to not be friends with someone.

One time I had a friend who consistently would put me down. Or find reasons to be upset at me whenever something good was happening in my life.

The key to success in any relationship: personal, familial, business, etc is NOT that the two people are supportive during bad times but that the two people are supportive during GOOD times.

This is what happens. “Honey, I got a great opportunity but I have to spend two weeks of every month shooting a movie in LA but I’ll be back as much as possible.”

Response: “Oh! And I have to be alone and doing nothing while you’re off achieving big success.”

This relationship will fail. It’s already failed.

Have you been in a relationship like that?

I exaggerate in the above example but this happens in many relationships, including ones I’ve been in. And it happens with family members, lovers, business partners, friends, etc.

Do you have a friend who feeds off your bad times?

This is a “one strike and your out” policy for me.

The above statement is a lie now that I think about it.

To be honest, for me it’s usually 50 strikes, 75 arguments, and maybe even someone spitting in m face. I’m trying to get better though.

I’m that pathetic in my relationships. Particularly romantic ones where the 14 year acned, braces, awkward kid inside of me can’t actually believe that a “girl” likes him.

Yes…spitting on me. And I would’ve returned the spit except my spit is more like a spray. Like an old man peeing and hitting everything but the toilet. I need to practice my spit.

Some people can shoot that saliva like a gun and hit a target 20 feet away. As I write this, I doubt I can hit the monitor on this computer with my best attempt at a spit.

Anyway. the lesson is: don’t spit.

Back to my friend who is pro-life.

Why is he pro-life? Because he’s religious. Because his parents are religious. Because he goes to church 2-3x a week.

Because he believes that anything that has the beginnings of a brain should have the chance to live. Because because because.

Do I agree with him? Absolutely not.

No law should EVER legislate what a person does with their body.

Life is hard enough without clueless bureaucrats dictating what a woman can do with her body.

If we give the law our choices, then we give the law our lives.

I know a lot of people who would not be friends with someone who is pro-life. And I know pro-life people who would not be fiends with someone who is pro-choice.

I am anti-college for instance. (“anti” and “pro” seem juvenile but there it is).

I have lost what I thought were very good friends because I am anti-college.

I am anti-war. I have an 18 year old daughter. I would sooner volunteer myself to a war than ever allow her to shoot another human being because someone commanded her to do it.

And yes, that includes World War II, the Civil War, and the Revolutionary War, and any war. I would just as soon be a slave myself than require a war.

Maybe I’m stupid. Maybe some wars are justified. But I don’t believe it.

And, I’ve lost friends over this. For instance, people think that the Civil War was the only way to stop slavery. It wasn’t. History is misunderstood here.

There’s no way to easily explain it. But, for instance, if the Revolutionary War never happened, most likely slavery would’ve been banned in 1833 when the British Empire banned it.

(Note: I’m not arguing this. I could be 100% wrong. Slavery is the most despicable crime ever. But the Civil War was also the worst war in American history as measured by per capital lives lost).

And it’s not as if minority lives suddenly became, “GREAT!” because of the civil war.

It’s been a 150 year process and just yesterday police killed an innocent black student at close gun point.

This is a huge and terrifying and sad problem that exists RIGHT NOW and is killing mentally ill people and minorities every day.

Dwight Eisenhower, one of the most successful generals in history, warned when he was President about a phrase he coined “the military-indiustrial complex”.

The intimate relationship between business and war. Well, business is booming!

Back to my pro-life friend. Best friend. How can you be best friends with someone who is pro-life, many of my pro-choice friends ask.

Pro-life people want to invade a woman’s body. Force her into back alley abortions where she can die.

I get that. I agree with it. I do think the word would be far worse if pro-choice laws were repealed. I am scared of this. I have two daughters. The law should not touch their bodies.


Actions > Thoughts

Pro-choice people, of which I am one, have it difficult.

They have flimsy laws that barely protect the rights they believe in. And those rights are ALWAYS under attack every day, in every state, in every court.

So pro-choice groups often have to take extremes.

For instance, many pro-choice groups refuse the existence of post-abortion traumatic stress.

The idea that women who have abortion can suffer life-damaging emotional consequences for many months or years.

Some pro-choice groups say there is no scientific evidence of this.

I’ve seen many women go through this. It’s horribly devastating to their lives.

They get depressed and medication can’t help. Talk can’t help. And it ruins their lives, careers, and relationships, and can lead to suicide.

Pro-choice groups tend to avoid anything that suggests there is a negative consequence to abortion for the strategic reason of: why give the pro-life movement any ammo.

It’s hard enough protecting the pro-choice laws we have!

I get it. It’s strategic. But I know post-abortion stress exists and is a killer.

And yet, I’m pro-choice.


Here’s what my friend who is Pro-Life does:

He opens his house to foster children. “Kids who come from broken or abusive families deserve to have a loving home. ”

Pro-choice or Pro-life advocates often leave behind their beliefs at birth. The battle is over at that point for them.

But many pro-life people have to ask: what if a child is born into an unfortunate circumstance.

My friend DOES something about it. He helps those children. He donates to charities helping those children.

My friend’s wife, a lawyer, offers legal counsel for free to help those children find good adoptive homes. Many children have found loving homes as a result,. including in my friend’s home.

How many people would open up their home (and their birth children) to a baby born with AIDS?

My friend’s and his wife help counsel the mothers of children they give up for adoption to help them deal with their choices and their sadness.

My friend’s wife counsels women who HAVE abortions and are now undergoing depression. She doesn’t judge. She doesn’t tell them she’s pro-life. She helps.

ACTIONS change the world. Not beliefs.

When I was severely depressed because of the situation with that long ago ex-girlfriend and her decision that I supported, he was there for me.

He spoke to me every day. He often secretly did my work when I disappeared for weeks at a time, lying in my room depressed and unable to move.

Do we argue? Do I try to convince him or he me? Never. Sometimes he gives me his reasons and sometimes I give him mine.

Because we respect each other, the result is that we each learn. But changing an opinion doesn’t mean anything.


Actions follow intentions.

If your intention is to always be the kindest person in any given moment then your actions can change the world.

Actions are more important than a vote. Than a Facebook post. Than anger. Than a Twitter “block”. Actions > Hate.

Hate only leads to more hate. Loving deeds lead to love. No issues involved.

The pro-life and pro-choice people argue and hate each other every day.

But the ACTION people save lives and the ARGUE people block people on Facebook. Don’t be pro-argue.

My friend is pro-Action. And so am I.

[Image is of twins “kissing” in a sonogram]

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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Nine Things I Learned From T-Boz (from the band, TLC)

“Life is tough…and it’s also miraculous.”

T-Boz and TLC sold 70 million albums, becoming the bestselling girl band ever in America.

Along the way they declared bankruptcy, she battled sickle-cell anemia, the death of one of their bandmates and best friends, a brain tumor, everything.

She’s 47 today and beat two life sentences the doctors declared on her.

People say, “Well, she sold 70 million albums! That’s success!”

When you do your absolute best today, even though you know tomorrow everything can change – that’s success.

I had T-Boz on the podcast to celebrate the release of her new memoir, “A Sick Life” which I highly recommend.


TLC sold 70 million albums and is the #1 selling girl band in America.

But to stay creative, T-Boz and her bandmates, Left-eye, and Chili had to constantly develop music that stayed fresh and relevant. 15 years after they started, they released their 5th album


I always say “Reinvention is every day” ever since my book, “Reinvent Yourself” came out.

But I’ll be honest, just as hard is remembering every day that “reinvention every day”.

The straight and narrow and supposedly easy path is constantly whispering to me to follow it.

But don’t.


Other groups were R&B, other groups were rap, other groups were funk.

How do you be the best?

T-Boz (funk) + Left-Eye (Rap) + Chili (R&B) = TLC = 70 million albums


Sickle-cell anemia is debilitating. You’re not supposed to live. The blood cells don’t want to deliver oxygen to the rest of your body. The pain is incredible.

T-Boz’s brain tumor took three years to recover from. The death of her best friend and band-mate took 2 years to recover from.

Going bankrupt after selling tens of millions of albums forced her to start from scratch.

Reinventing in a constantly changing music business is the downfall of many artists. For their last album, TLC even used Kickstarted to fund it as opposed to a record label.

Success is about reinvention and persistent every day.


A lot of creatives don’t want to read the contracts or fine print. TLC didn’t read it as well and ended up making almost no money on their first 30 million albums.

At one point they even held up music legend, Clive Davis, at gun point, asking, “Where’s our money”.

They went bankrupt and had to start from scratch.

Don’t outsource your financial well-being and the security of your family to others.


No matter who you are, life is going to happen. “Life is tough”. T-Boz had painful sickle-cell anemia since birth and often had to be hospitalized mid-album, mid-tour, mid-whatever.

“When I was seven they told me I wouldn’t live past 30. I’m 47 now.”

“They told me I couldn’t have kids. I have two now.”

“When they did brain surgery, they told me I might never sing again. I’m on tour now with our latest album.”

Then she lost her best friend and band-mate, Left-eye, to a car crash. She was depressed for two years.

Then she had a brain tumor that required surgery and three years of physical therapy to recover from.

“I still can’t whistle,” she told me.

“Try,” I said. So she did. She couldn’t whistle. “I can’t move the muscles on the left side of my mouth.”

But throughout the podcast she laughed. “And I’m going back on tour tomorrow.”


T-Boz has written songs, performed them, did the choreography for TLC’s videos, conceived of the videos, written a book of poems, written movies, and now this memoir.

People sometimes say, “I can’t be creative”. Or, “I don’t have the talent”. Or “I can do X, but not Y”.

Not true. Creativity is a muscle. Find some small way to be creative every day and the muscle gets developed. For me, today is the first day I’m going to try to do standup in the same day at two different clubs. I’m scared.

Find one thing scary and challenging and creative every day.

What happens then? Everything.


A lot of pop music today is created by people who have reverse engineered “the hit”. There’s even a book about it, “The Hit Factory”, about a group of kids in Sweden who have basically written most hits you’ve heard in the past year.

But the key to TLC’s success was that they were always writing the songs that were important to them:

“Unpretty” – about staying true to your looks and not trying to change them to fit another person’s desires. “Waterfalls” – about staying true to your dreams but not caving in to the shortcuts that destroy many lives. Hit after hit.

“That’s the point of being an artist, right? You feel something and you have to get it out.”

List today what your real values are. What do you believe in? What’s important to you? What’s scary to you?

It’s a hard process to figure out who you are and what you stand for. But this unlocks the creative well and supercharges all of your relationships.

Honesty with others begins with honesty to yourself.


The best way to live a full life tomorrow is to live the fullest life you can today.


“Life is tough. And for many years I’ve felt like I’ve worked to get sick and worked to get better, just to get sick again. I’m learning to find a balance and just live. You lose people and you fall ill and bad things can happen.

“But it’s also really miraculous. You can have babies you were told you’d never have. You can bring joy to millions of people with your music. You can feel love and happiness and faith.

“You can decide that you’re stronger than any obstacle and you can empower your- self to survive. Iknow things can get really dark, but you’ll always feel better if you hold on. The light always returns.”

[photo: T-Boz and I don’t always agree on everything. But even arguments can be fun.]

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Thanks to People Who Say Thanks

The best way to have a voice in the world is to speak.

The best way to change the world is to keep improving yourself. The only thing you truly have an effect on.

The best way to improve yourself is to every day try and improve 1% physically, emotionally, creatively, spiritually.

The best way to achieve a goal, is to forget the goal and live by a theme of constant improvement.

The best way to be a jerk is to say “the best way to” over and over again.

The worst way to live life is to give your self esteem to toxic people.

The worst way to live life is to forget that two generations after we die, everything we ever did is dead also.

The worst way to deal with pain is to blame others.

The worst way to love someone else is to require it back

Sometimes I follow this advice. Sometimes I don’t.

The worst way to break your own advice is to hate yourself afterwards.

The first arrow (not following your own advice) will wound you. The second arrow (hating yourself afterwards) will kill you.

The worst way to respond to people who hate you is to…respond.

The best way to respond to people who love you is to be happy inside.

1/3 of people hate you. 1/3 of people love you. 1/3 don’t care. You can’t change this formula.

When I want someone to choose me, when I want an event to be different, when I want a life circumstance to change, I can only surrender to it. I can’t control it.

Surrender is ACTIVE. It teams you up with the strongest part of yourself.

Surrender is PEACEFUL. It lets anxiety take a break. “Anxiety, stop trying to control”.

When I do something wrong to people I try to apologize. Sometimes years later. They don’t have to accept it.

When I’m happy I try not to let it get to my head. Only my heart.

When I’m sad I try not to let it get to my stomach. Because my stomach gets sick when I’m sad or fearful.

Sometimes it’s ok to be stupid, write these things down, and remind myself of what’s the only things that have truly helped me in life.


A friend of mine, 48, died two days ago. A year younger than me. “His heart stopped in his sleep.”

He’s dead. I am still alive.

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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Ep. 251 – Geno Bisconte: “YOU ONLY NEED TO REMEMBER ONE THING” … The key to getting better at anything.

Geno Bisconte told me, “I kept getting depressed because here I was 20 years later, barely making a living at telling jokes.”

We were both sitting at the bar at Standup NY. I was so scared I was about to vomit.

It was the first time I was doing standup in over a year and Geno Bisconte was the MC. He recognized my name from my books and came over to talk to me.

“And then I realized,” he said and he brightened up right away, “I get to tell jokes AND make a living in NYC. I have the best life ever!”

And he was right. He was creating his life. He was telling jokes and making a living.

Reverse It!

He looked at this tension, “barely making a living” at “telling jokes”.

He reversed it: “I get to tell jokes” and “make a living doing it”. And this is what became his reality.

A few months later he released a comedy album. Which led to the next time I almost had a heart attack.

He was having an album release party at the NY Comedy Club. He asked all his favorite comedian friends to be on the lineup to do ten minutes of their material in celebration of his release.

And then for some reason I still can’t figure out, he also asked me.

The guy before me was DESTROYING. Aaron Berg. He was ripping through the crowd and they couldn’t stop laughing. I couldn’t stop laughing. And before that was Michael Vecchione, who is a comic genius.

And then I was supposed to go on next. There was no way I could do it. I was ashamed to be a part of this talented group.

“I’m gong to leave,” I said to my friend. “Tell Geno I’m sorry. I have to go.”

And I was about to turn around and leave when Geno came up to me and said, “Dude, you’re up next.”

“OK!” I said. And I went up and I…did ok. I didn’t destroy. But people laughed. I held my own.

I did something super uncomfortable. Something that scared the hell out of me. And I got better.

Here’s my rules for growth.

– I love something
– I find a way to make it as uncomfortable as possible.
– I do it.
– repeat. Over and over.

Then I grow. I learn. I get better.

Getting better at something you love is an enormous pleasure. Every neurochemical in me explodes.

Getting uncomfortable, and then analyzing what you did, is the way to “hack” the 10,000 hour rule.

Figure out the micro-skills of what you are trying to be great at. And hack each micro-skill.

Anything worth learning has 100 micro-skills that you have to learn.

Business, among its many micro-skills are: sales, negotiating, management, deal structure, execution, creativity, and on and on. I can list 100s of micro-skills in business.

In chess: you have to learn the opening, the middle game, the endgame, and it gets more granular. You have to master king pawn openings, queen pawn openings, closed tactical situations, open middle games, rook-pawn endgames, and on and on.

In another post I’ll break down some of the micro-skills of comedy I’ve been learning.

But it’s been a huge learning curve.

I’ll give an example though. Let’s say I have a joke that works 20 times in a row. Then, on the 21st time, it doesn’t work. Dead silence. What do you do?

The audience is staring. Waiting. I never experienced this before. They are always laughing at this point. What. Do. I. Do.?

“This is the safest spot you can be,” Geno says in the beginning of his comedy album.

Not because it’s safe from guns, or pirates, or people who hate you. Or your boss or your family.

You’re safe from words. We are killing each other with words. Facebook has divided in half since the election. One side has unfriended the other.

If you aren’t politically correct in every possible way in our instant-twitter world then a flood of 140 character messages demand you apologize.

Maybe this is correct. Maybe not. Words have power.

But that power builds up. We need to understand the tensions they release.

We need to find a safe place to release those tensions to discover what those words really mean, the harm they can (or cannot) cause. To find out who we are as people.

To find the truths inside of us that make us all relate to each other. That bring us back to our common humanity.

This is why the comedians are the modern day philosophers.

“This is the safest spot you will be in,” Geno says and then begins to destroy everyone in the audience. DESTROY.

And they laugh. They can’t stop laughing. His album was great.

“You have to laugh at this,” Geno says, “Because where else are you going to be able to? You’re in a COMEDY club. These are jokes. Are you going to waste your life being the only one unhappy in a comedy club?

I thought this was GENIUS because he’s not only talking about the “hidden truths” of comedy.

He’s also TEACHING the audience how to laugh at his jokes. He’s telling them exactly what he’s going to do and then why they are supposed to laugh at what he’s going to do.

This is a micro-skill. Training the audience to do what you want them to do. To have fun and laugh at your humor. To be a success right there on the stage.

That’s one reason I wanted Geno on my podcast. To talk about these micro-skills, the grammar of peak performance, and how he uses them to get people to laugh.

But also!

Even more important. Geno was the MC at my standup six months ago, and at my standup at his release party.

I have the videos. I wanted him to watch both and then give me feedback.

I was selfish! I totally wanted him on my podcast for selfish reasons while at the same time helping him out. This is one of my micro-skills as a podcaster.

And by help him out: BUY his album: “Uncle Geno is Amazing!!” is one of the best comedy albums I’ve listened to.

So in the middle of the podcast he listened to both videos of me doing standup. And he broke it down for me.

He taught me something new.

That very first night I was doing standup I asked Geno. Do you get nervous?

“Sure,” he says, “I constantly do. And I constantly bomb also. You have to get comfortable bombing.

“But people are here to laugh. The key is you only need to remember ONE THING.”

“What’s that?” I said and I couldn’t imagine anything he could say that would make me less nervous.

“If you have fun up there. They will have fun.

“Just have fun.”

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The Only Two Ways To Relieve Stress. Which One Did Paul McCartney Choose?

Paul McCartney’s guitar string broke. He couldn’t play it anymore.

The Beatles were just starting, nobody knew them, and they were playing eight hours a day in strip clubs in Hamburg just to pay the bills.

He had no other guitar. There was a piano on the stage but he had never before played the piano. Never.

If he said, “I can’t do this” then the show would be over. They would be finished.

So he went over to the piano and played. And it worked.

Years later he played the piano on “Hey, Jude”, “Let It Be”, and my favorite, “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”, among others. Maybe the best songs in history.

There’s always two ways to relieve stress: “I can’t do it”…and doing it.

A) “I can’t do it”. If you tell yourself you can’t do something, then you’re free. You don’t have to do it anymore.

Stress relieved.

B ) Doing it.

Paul McCartney did it. He probably wasn’t very good the first time. He was probably bad. Maybe awful. I know I am awful at everything I start. Everything!

But the night continued. He survived. The band got paid. And they played the next day and the next and the next and became the Beatles.

Stress relieved.

And maybe I’m just saying how I would feel, but he was probably scared.

He was broke, he was young, John Lennon and George Harrison were depending on him so they could all get paid.

His guitar wept.


The first three businesses I started were failures.

One was a debit card business for college students. We had 700 customers who deposited money with us. We had 80 merchants who were accepting our card.

So we were in business. We charged $21 a semester fee to parents and a 3% transaction fee. We started looking at other colleges to expand the business to. We would go nationwide!

The second business was a delivery service. It was in the same college town. We delivered from eight different restaurants ranging from pizza to Indian food to gyros.

Both businesses failed.

The third was an online gaming company. It succeeded but by the time it succeeded I was long gone from it. I couldn’t handle the stress.

I told myself, “I can’t do it” when it got too hard for me.

I also told myself, “I’m not cut out to be an entrepreneur. Some people can handle it. I can’t.”

I told myself that over and over. It became a part of me. Whatever you truly believe about yourself becomes who you are. This isn’t about affirmations.

If I tell myself over and over again I’m ugly and unlovable then I will never take the chance to love. I’ll be too scared.

The longest relationship I will ever have is with myself. If I can’t love myself, how will others?

And I really wasn’t cut out to be an entrepreneur. I hated it.

And I wasn’t good at it at all. I had some talent at sales. But there’s about 100 micro-skills in business and to succeed in business you have to be pretty good at all of them.

I didn’t know I needed to learn all of these micro-skills. I didn’t even know they existed. I thought I just needed a good product to sell and then I could sell it. Wrong!

So I gave up.

But I started to get better at the micro-skills of business. 20 years later I’m now good at them. Or at least pretty good at them. Let’s just say, “Good enough”. Or…”Vaguely competent”.

Paul McCartney didn’t have time to take lessons. He was on stage and his guitar string BROKE.

He didn’t have time to read a book. Or listen to the greats. He had to get up, sit down at the piano, and start playing.

He probably leaned on the one or two micro-skills he was an expert on.

Like how chords on the guitar translated to chords on the piano. How to improvise. What chords worked with which songs, etc.

And then he played. And then got better. Little by little. He DID IT instead of saying, “I can’t do it”.

Little by little. You can only start from zero. And then when it adds up…you’re good.

“Little by little” is either a positive affirmation or a punchline to an already very bad standup comedy joke.

Without it, though, we wouldn’t have the beautiful piano intro to my favorite song, “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”.

Meanwhile, little by little I’m trying to get better at standup comedy.

I go up on stage now 3-4 times a week. Which is terrifying and “I can’t do it” and I’m DOING it all at the same time.

And when sometimes there is absolute dead silence on a joke I was sure would work, I just have to go forward and tell the next joke.

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The First Thing To Do After A Massive Failure

I was told that within one day I was going to lose all of my money. It was a complete surprise.

I got a phone call for an emergency board meeting. “Maybe good news!” I thought.

Leaving out the details, I’ll just go straight to what the CEO said, “We broke one of the rules in our loan with the bank, so they are coming and shutting us down.”

I am paraphrasing. They had one billion in revenues. I owned a decent chunk of the company.

I tried to come up with solutions. I offered to buy the company. My plan was to sell off the pieces that that would pay for the costs to buy the company and leave me with a profit.


I got off the phone. I was in shock. This was my money. This was retirement money for me. This was money for my kids.


In four days…zero. Nothing I could do.

I was afraid. How would I come up with that kind of money again?

I was afraid. What was I going to dream about that night? I knew I would wake up at 3 in the morning anxious and scared and panicking.

I was afraid of being afraid. Fear makes me sick. Makes me sad. Makes me anxious. Makes me not love people or like people. Makes me feel small.

How would I laugh when people told a joke. How would I interact like a normal human being.

I was out in a parking lot to take the board call. How could I go back in the building.

Maybe I could jump. Jump high in front of the oncoming car. Let it hit me. Solve my problems.

No matter where I’ve been in life – happy, success, sad, or smart – bad things always happen.

Life is not a straight line. It’s a zig zag. It’s a maze. It’s a treasure hunt. We’re always lost with no GPS. I can’t use GPS to navigate my way out of sorrow or pain or fear.

When imprisoned in the solitary confinement of fear, the first challenge is to find the grace and honesty to see what is still fortunate in life. This is exactly the seed that will create future fortune.

Think of all the things I was grateful for. Gratitude and Fear can’t exist in the brain at the same time.

I was grateful for the friends I was with that day. It’s hard to make friends when you are in your 40s and these were all new friends.

I was grateful for all the other opportunities I had in my life. I try to plant many seeds, so when one thing goes bad, I have other things I could turn to.

I was grateful my own writing was able to help me. I see so many people give advice and then don’t follow it. The genre of self-help BS.

I try to solve “hard gratitude problems”. What were the challenges in my life that I was grateful for. The gratitude that I earned through past tears.

This is what beats the fear. This is what turns a failure into future great success.

I went back and enjoyed the rest of the day.

Later on I told my friends that day what had happened.

They said, “What? We thought you were in the bathroom for an hour!”

The very first thing after failure is not about solutions. Or fear. Or exercise. Or calling a doctor.

It’s about gratitude. And gratitude crowds at fear. And without fear, I fell in love with my life again. And everything else started to blossom.

I fell in love.

The post The First Thing To Do After A Massive Failure appeared first on Altucher Confidential.

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