Friday, July 27, 2018


I was blown away by this story.

A comedian was talking about her birthday. She and Dave Chappelle and two other comedians were performing two sets that night, finishing around midnight.

This was just in the past year. Chappelle has been doing standup comedy for 30 years. His sets are effortless. He’s already the best. But…

After their sets were over they went out for dinner and drinks. Celebrating her birthday.

It was 1:30 AM and one of the comedians suggested they go to another party.

Dave Chappelle said, “Nah, let’s go back to the comedy club and do another set.”

The comedian who suggested they go to a party said, “Dave! It’s 1:30 in the morning. We each just did two sets tonight. There’s, at best, five people left at the comedy club. Let’s just go out!”

Dave Chappelle said, “Man, you can’t get better while you’re partying.”

So they went back to the comedy club at 1:30 in the morning. Dave Chappelle went up on stage and did a half hour of stand up in front of five people.

A few months later I watched him do an hour at Radio City Music Hall (where he sold out every night for ten nights).

And at the end of 2017 he put out 4 specials that Netflix paid him $60 million for.

When everyone else is partying, practice your craft.

That’s why Dave Chappelle is the G.O.A.T. (greatest of all time).

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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Who Would ACTUALLY Make The Best US President


One time I wanted to run for Congress in my district.

I had a platform. I reached out to people. I started to put my team together.


I got a call from someone representing a major Presidential candidate. He said the candidate wanted to support me.

BUT FIRST, I had to hire his pollster to do polls. (“But nobody even knows me yet!” and his response: “Well, we also see what issues you need to run on.” My response: “BUT I already KNOW the issues I believe in.” …. “Nevertheless, if you want this candidate, you have to do this.” And then he told me the enormous price.)

I got disgusted. The political system in the US was garbage and the best way to change the world is to change yourself.

I focus on the process: improving my physical health, emotional health, creative health, spiritual health, and that then effects the people around me, the people around them and so on.

Save yourself before you try to save the world.

So I quit.


This used to be the “proper” qualifications of someone who ran for President:

  • They served in standard political roles in service of the country.

For example, they were in the House, Senate, Governor, Vice President  (in that order or similar: think LBJ or Nixon or Ford or Clinton or Reagan or Obama or JFK, just to name a few but this tradition goes back to the beginning).

  • Or they served well in the military (rarer but: Eisenhower, Andrew Jackson, Ulysses S. Grant, George Washington).
  • They came from a political dynasty (Kennedy (three Presidential candidates and one President), Clinton (two candidates and one President), Adams (two Presidents), Roosevelt (two Presidents – six terms), Harrison (two Presidents), Bush (three candidates, two Presidents), etc.



And usually they worked hard to rise up in one of two parties in our two-party system.

In fact, state by state, it’s very difficult for someone to run for President (or any office) if they are not approved by the local political machine of one of two parties.

The entire idea of the United States was to be a meritocracy where class, family connections, and the standard classist paths through the system were supposed to count for less.

Well, now it does.

Trump is President. Zero political service for the country. No real party affiliation (he’s donated equally to both over the decades).

I’m not saying this is good or bad. Clearly half the votes felt one way (populists) and half the other way (centrists).

Maybe Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates would be a great President. Maybe a great writer or intellectual would make a great president. Who knows?


But now we can finally ask the question. The door is open.

We always complain about the bureaucrats and lobbyists in Washington and the monarchistic tendencies of dynasties and yet that’s the system we always voted for.

So can someone like me run?

Well, I’m not a billionaire (Trump, Perot). And I don’t have any party affiliation.

I’m not part of a dynasty. And I’m not an intellectual who pontificates on issues from their air-conditioned home all day long on Facebook or Twitter.

I haven’t read a newspaper since 2010. Although I’m easily informed because all day long everyone on the subway argues every stupid issue.

Plus, as an investor across every industry, I’m exposed to many issues and as a parent and a son I am exposed to many issues baked into the system.

I want to run for President and I think I have ideas that are easy to implement and would help the country in enormous ways.




  • Reduce massive debt
  • Save the middle class from it’s downward trend (which always historically ends in violence)
  • Reduce corruption
  • Reduce medical costs
  • Reduce risk in financial system and cyber attacks
  • Reduce the risk of fascism which leads to nationalism and war
  • Increase opportunities for young entrepreneurs to restore meritocracy to US
  • Bring back innovation to the US, which has the ultimate “trickle-down” effect. I use those loaded words because it’s more applicable here.



I don’t care if people agree on every issue.

With political parties it’s almost as if everyone has to agree on the exact same 40 or 50 issues.

The reality is: we all have only one or two issues we care strongly about.

It’s impossible for everyone to have the same agreement and level of importance on all issues which is what makes political parties so ridiculous.

Find a candidate who has common sense and even if they don’t always agree with you, put your faith in that common sense.

Here is my common sense and I am in the continual process of learning more about it:


Get us out of our 17 year war in Afghanistan and other military “adventures” that are killing our teenagers and killing foreign teenagers.

I have a teenager legally qualified to fight in a war. Do I really think she can sit behind a tank and bomb people?

Of course not. And yet the system allows it.

Saves hundreds of billions on defense spending reduces the impact of the defense lobby.

Most importantly: will end the tragedy of the 22 SUICIDES A DAY being committed by our brave and patriotic returning veterans.

POSSIBLE PROBLEM: Will this make countries think they can push us around?

ANSWER: Not at all. With increased resources, there are dozens, if not hundreds of tactics we can use to diplomatically and stealthily “police” the world which America has historically done.



Tariffs only reduce opportunities in jobs in every country around the globe.

Tariffs destroy markets (basic historic example: Smoot-Hawley in 1929 caused the Great Depression).

But won’t it allow countries to undercut our prices on basic products?

Yes, let them. Why should an iPhone cost $5000? If it costs $200 this increases the resources and wealth of the middle class, which is the source of future innovation in America.

POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Just like municipal bond profits are often “tax-free” let’s make trade finance opportunities more available to the public and make them tax-free.

Creating wealth out of the increase in trade that comes from reduced tariffs.

More wealth in the country leads to more jobs.


The Food and Drug Administration is what approves pharmaceutical drugs and sets the rules on illegal drugs such as marijuana (still federally illegal), heroin, cocaine, etc.

Three problems with the FDA:


If you have a small company with a potential cancer-curing drug it will often take TEN YEARS and over TWO BILLION DOLLARS, before the FDA approves that drug.

This is why drug costs could be as high as $60,000 a month for the cures of certain diseases. Companies have to recoup that one cost.


People ask me: but doesn’t the FDA save us from bad drugs?

I don’t know. Drug recalls (and medical device recalls) are at an all time high because of poor FDA decision making.

(drug recalls)

Why is this happening? Because the costs are so high, the lobbying industry is much more active, causing bad decisions in the FDA.

Let’s privatize the clinical research and testing. The best and most honest companies will rise to the top and we will get better, faster, and more accurate testing of drugs (or, at least, AS accurate, given the number of current recalls).

Costs will be reduced by BILLIONS across the entire medical industry. Millions of lives will be saved and the middle class will have more disposable income.


That ends now.


Marijuana, which will soon be legal, is a multi-billion cost on the prison system.

Heroin addictions are creating a crisis among teenagers simply because it’s a crime and can’t be adequately addressed. And so on.



Student loan debt has gone from $200 billion in 2003 to $1.5 TRILLION right now.

20 million Americans have student loan debt and it is the one form of debt you can’t get rid of in a bankruptcy. This is a shame.

Meanwhile, income for young people ages 18-35 has gone down while tuitions and debt have gone up higher than inflation EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR since 1977.

Result: an entire generation of entrepreneurs, inventors, creatives, artists, will disappear. The source of all growth in the United States for over 200 years.

BUT, people ask: don’t kids have a right to college?

YES! But two things:

  1. It’s the government backing of student loan debt that has led to the increase in tuitions (why not increase if the government is paying? is the thought of college).

SOLUTION: Let’s increase supply.

2. Price (tuitions) are a function of supply and demand.

There are many many great online universities that are “unaccredited”. Khan, Coursera, Udemy, etc.

Let’s make them all accredited, which gives middle class students (the majority of students) access to great educations (better educations) with far fewer costs.



Allow people to vote from home, online. This will increase voter participation and reduce the effects of other countries “meddling”, a big problem in the US.

Also: Do not restrict who can be on the ballot. This will reduce the need for a false two party system.


This one is a bit far-fetched but it will work.

Require congressmen in the House of Representatives to only vote on House issues while physically in the districts they represent.

This will end the lobbying industry (since you can no longer wine and dine everyone in a day or two in Washington DC).

And this will keep congressmen closer to the very constituents they are supposed to represent.

THE ENTIRE REASON there is a “Capitol Hill” where they all vote is because 200 years ago there were no phones and no internet so all debate and voting had to happen in one building.

This thinking is obviously grossly outdated.


I don’t care what the tax is. But make it flat to reduce the unbearable weight on the tax industry, from the IRS to the citizens.

“Flat taxes” are often considered to benefit the rich. Trust me, Bill Gates doesn’t pay a dime of taxes on his $100 billion (because he sets up tax-free charitable trusts like every other wealthy person).

High taxes hurt the middle class. Not the upper class or the lower class.

But one addition: INCREASE sales tax on vices and luxuries. A “luxury” can be any item costing $50,000 or more (other than a house or an education).

A vice can be anything that has on it’s label. “May cause cancer”.


Here’s what they don’t tell you:

Almost every Fortune 500 company is “infested” with “bot armies” put there by unknown hackers from around the world.

Think of a bot army as a terrorist sleeper cell. At any point it can wake up and all of the bots will start acting in unison for whatever purpose the hacker wants them to do.

The US utility grid (and the electric grids of almost every other country) are under constant attack from hackers. The weak points are 20 year old routers with un-patched security holes.

Most of the apps on your phone have access to your video camera and don’t need to tell you when they activate it and observe you. Same for your audio.

And many more issues.

We are behind on cyber defense while we’ve been poring hundreds of billions into a 17 year war in Afghanistan.

What solves the terrorism problems in a country like Afghanistan?

Help their citizens achieve economic growth.

No parent will send their child to do a suicide attack if they are upward trending economic citizens. Increase trade with the secular populations of problem countries.

Then divert our enormous defense money to entrepreneurship in the cyber defense sector, which is grossly underfunded.

The US is in an intensely secret war and is losing every day.


PEER TO PEER LENDING TAX-FREE (like municipal bonds):

Treat small businesses (the sources of most jobs and all innovation in the country) the way we treat infrastructure projects.

Allow individuals to lend and make the interest payments tax-free.

So all of the billionaires putting their money in tax-free trusts that are locked up will stop insisting that the US government pays for a Universal Basic Income and instead the billionaires will see more financial opportunities in supporting small businesses.


Many countries (famously Germany in the ’20s, South America in the ’80s, Asia and Russia in the ’90s, etc.) have been entirely wiped out (causing war and violence) when human error and corruption caused their currencies to be evaporated.

Linking money to some sort of blockchain technology will reduce the risk of human error, increase privacy of transactions, reduce forgery (a big problem), and make the banking system cheaper for individuals (reducing inflation in the financial system).

I’m not saying, “Go bitcoin!” I’m just saying let’s study the use of this technology based on thousands of years of science and how it can improve the stability of our overall financial system.

Areas that would benefit: everything from inflation to simplification of taxes to fraud to improving the contract law industry.

Additionally, this reduces the enormous costs of supporting a bloated IRS and Department of Treasury and Federal Reserve.


The US is not even in the top nine of countries in terms of speed of internet. Our cities are turning into ghost towns as entrepreneurs move to cities with faster and easier internet access.

Rather than backing student loans, ruining a generation of potential entrepreneurs, back cities with loans to lay down fiber networks.

Don’t let all the wealth of the country go to Silicon Valley. Let’s make every city a potential Silicon Valley.



20 million people in the US are over-burdened by ridiculous student loans. All student loans forgiven.

This saves the middle class and will be balanced by increased tax revs and productivity of the increase in entrepreneurs who are no longer burdened by the debt.

The cost: $1.4 trillion. Which can be paid for in one day by an even more aggressive tax holiday for companies repatriating money from overseas.



The average Presidential campaign winner spends $2 billion on his or her campaign.

This is ridiculous. It requires so many more skill sets to win an election than the skill sets needed to provide good governing abilities. .

Nor is it necessary.

When I was selling my crypto-education product to teach people about blockchain, bitcoin, and help people avoid scam currencies, we spent a tiny tiny percentage of that and generated over 3 BILLION impressions on our ads.

We “broke the internet” and spent hardly any of the money normally required to win a Presidential campaign.

We can use the same technology to run a massive and targeted political campaign.


I have spent 20 years helping people with millions of books sold, articles read, podcasts, etc.

My main focus: improve yourself before you can improve the world.


I’ve built up an enormous network of successful people from every industry that can help me more deeply understand the important issues. No President ever started in office with a lobbyist-free understanding of all of the important issues.

And I see the disaster that is happening in America (begun decades ago and not the fault of any one individual).

It’s time to think a little bit different.

And heck, if not me, then you.

You can run for President now.

The post Who Would ACTUALLY Make The Best US President appeared first on Altucher Confidential.

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376 – Seth Godin: Go Back to What Lights Your Heart on Fire: This is What Makes a Hit

Links and Resources

Purple Cow” by Seth Godin

“Gracefully” by Seth Godin

Akimbo (Seth’s new podcast) 

Seth’s blog

This Might Work” by Seth Godin

Seth Godin’s online course Alt-MBA


Also Mentioned

Krista Tippett and her podcast “On Being” 

Malcolm Gladwell’s podcast “Revisionist History” 

The Davinci Code

Gangnam Style

Chris Anderson

Kevin Kelly’s article “1,000 True Fans”

“The Tipping Point”by Malcolm gladwell

“Freakonomics”by Stephen Dubner and Steven Levitt

Choose Yourselfby me, James Altucher

Jerry Seinfeld

Sweet Green

Howard Schultz (founder of Starbucks)

Ayn Rand (author of “Atlas Shrugged”

Zig Ziglar

Warby Parker

Wharton Business School

Adam Grant author of “Originals”

James Cook

“The War of Art”by Stephen Pressfield

Jiro Dreams of Sushi (a Netflix documentary)


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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

9 Life-Saving Reasons I Try Not To Judge People

One time someone wrote a lie about me.

I hated this person. I judged them. Why did they lie about me? Why did they wrong me?

I judged them as evil.

This person pulled apart two or three of my articles out of hundreds, and pulled sentences out of context and then said the worst things about me.

The worst.

People who read this person but did not read me started posting this person’s article and saying comments like, “I will k**l James Altucher if I ever see him”.

I was terrified and sad. Why me?


I was on the set of a popular TV show. The writers invited me to watch the pilot being filmed.

In the middle of the day, I got an email about an “emergency” board meeting.

20 minutes later, after the call, I was in shock. I had lost a good percentage of all of my money because of one bad guy.

I judged him. “Evil!” I thought.

I spoke to my lawyers: should I sue? I am not litigious. I have never sued someone before.

They said, “Maybe. We can look into it.” At $1600 an hour. I said no.

I moved on. I enjoyed the rest of the day.

I made the money back but it took years. I never spoke to this person again. I hope and pray he is over his troubles.

Yes…”pray”. Not to a god. But because prayer is a sign you forgive.

And forgiveness releases Oxytocin. One of the neurochemicals in our brain that triggers happiness.


And not only my choices but the ideas that clog my brain, preventing creativity. Blaming is draining.

What’s wrong with being happy?




No matter what. Not more and not less.

It’s the part of your body that takes up the most energy. You CHOOSE how to “spend” that energy.

You can spend it judging others and then count the number of accomplishments you had that day of judging.

Or you can use it writing ten ideas a day, executing on some of those ideas, networking with friends, writing, surprising your loved ones with quirky gifts.

Recently I wanted to convince my new fiancee that life would be good when she moved in with me.

I wanted to think of the perfect gift.

I bought her a first edition, signed, of “A Room of One’s Own” by Virginia Woolf.

The idea: she will always know wherever we are that she has a room of her own to be creative in.

If I was busy judging people I would not have thought of this gift, spent the hours finding the right edition, making the purchase.

She has it sitting on her desk in her room of her own right now.

I hope she likes me.



To make money, to achieve success, to impact others, you have to have a vision of the world that is uniquely yours.

Your “voice”.

Some people say there are no new ideas. This is not true.

There are billions of ideas in the world. Add in your unique experiences. Now you have a new idea. A new vision.

Then you have to learn how to take this vision that has it’s home in your head, and impart it onto others.

This is very difficult. It is a hard skill to learn to do. To transfer something from your brain to someone else’s. It’s like ESP.

If all you talk or think about are the people you judge or resent and who “I can’t believe they did this to me!” then you will join those losers in their death spiral into the hate and gossip vortex.

So many people say, “So-and-so [wealth, successful person] is an idiot.”

Or, “so and so did something [evil] [stupid] etc”.

Don’t judge. Because some day you will be as wealthy and successful.

The first step to better the world is to better yourself.

You will think it’s justified to judge. Because the brain gets addicted to judging. It’s a way to have status over the successful person.

Our brains crave status.

But the visionaries are moving fast and past.

The status goes to the people who have impact.



Igor Semmelweiss was a threat.

He was trying to figure out why so many babies died in the hospital he worked out.

He figured it out. Doctors weren’t washing their hands after working on the dead bodies and immediately going to deliver babies. So mothers and babies would die.

This made him a threat. All the doctors refused to believe that their poor hygiene killed people.

They persecuted young Igor. He was their biggest threat. He was fired. Couldn’t get a job and eventually died in a mental asylum.

The patients in the hospital in Vienna where he worked went from a death rate of 30% to less than 1%

And now that all the “judges” are dead we realize he created the entire theory that disease is spread through germs.

He’s saved billions of lives.


If you are a threat, you WILL be a target.

And you will want to judge. You will want to fight.

But just focus on being a bigger threat.


I tweeted out my phone number at one in the morning.

So many people were saying stuff about me. I was in pain.

People called me. Once I spoke to them, they didn’t know what to say. The “judges” were silenced. The most they could say was, “I can’t believe you picked up”.

I spoke with each one. They all tweeted and apologized.

But still…what a waste of time!

I slept for two hours. I woke up and my mind was filthy. I was filthy. I felt horrible all day.

Not my job anymore to make pigs happy.


This has taken me almost 20 years to realize but it’s a pattern that occurs 100% of the time.

Everybody who has taken the time to really attack me (when I’ve been a threat) or others, I google them a few years later.

And I find…nothing.

Losers talk about winners. And then they disappear.

They are so ready to blame that they forgot about the original journey they were on in the first place.

Blamers and judgmental people stop creating once they start judging.



Judging is a form of anger. “I hate this person because…”

99 times out of 100, anger is just fear clothed.

Whenever I am angry at someone, I try to take a step back and say, “Wait…what is it I am actually afraid of here”.

Maybe this person is slightly right and even though they are insulting me, I should try to listen to the gems of truth inside their filth.

Maybe I did do something wrong.

Maybe there is something I could have done better. Or more politely. Or expressed better.

When someone is judging me and I get angry, maybe deep down I’m afraid there is some small truth there and I want to deny it.

How could I BE WRONG???

But I could be. And I often am. And perhaps I crossed some line and the irrational judging of this other person is an indicator.

Their judging should at least give me some nourishment to see who and what I really am. At least to see what it is I’m afraid of, and where I can improve.



When someone is judging me, I also have to ask: what are they afraid of?

I have an exercise I do.

I picture every person is my daughter. Male, female, old, young, it doesn’t matter.

My daughters are the only creatures I love unconditionally.

And if, for a small moment, I can picture my greatest detractors or haters as my own daughters, then it often helps me figure out, with great love, what it is they are afraid of.

Maybe they are afraid my ideas will threaten theirs.

Or maybe they are afraid I will get more credit than them.

Or maybe they want something I have but I don’t know what it is.

I don’t know. But I don’t have time to figure it out.


Sometimes I’m obsessed with the people who cost me money.

Or people who I think are bad for the world.

I would judge. All day long. And feed off the crack pipe of judging when talking to other “judgers”.

But I changed my mind. It’s not that you are the average of the five people around you.

You are the average of the five people IN YOUR HEAD.

I recently had a great conversation with Bishop TD Jakes, head of one of the largest churches in the world.

I also had a great conversation with Ken Langone, who started Home Depot and has put hundreds of millions of dollars into medical research.

He told me, “I am not a self-made man. I have had the help of many, many, people these past 60 years.”

I also spent some time recently with the always inspiring Amy Morin, author of “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do”.

And with many many others who inspire me. I stay up at night thinking of the things they say to me. How I can apply those insights into my life.

I love these people. I love the people I work with.

I could fill my head with these thoughts and people who uplift me.

Or I can fill my head with the ones who I will never be able to figure out: “Why did they say that about me?1?” Or, “why did they do that to the world?”

I have to choose the former. I look into the mirror and say to myself: I have to choose the former.

As TD Jakes told me, “It’s not what’s happened to you before. It’s what you do from here.”



I recently helped someone with a massive (and well known) project he was working on.

I didn’t ask for pay. I didn’t ask for credit. We were great friends.

I was very proud of my work. And I got many emails from his co-workers, thanking me.

And then suddenly…he stopped returning my calls. He insulted me (I heard) behind my back. This one time great friend never reached out to me again.

I at first thought, “What did I do?” And I realized that my communications with him throughout could have been better. But still…

I don’t know what he is dealing with in his life. Or what his angers and insecurities built up on a lifetime of his experiences might be.

But somehow I intersected with those insecurities and caused him to be angry at me. To judge me and for me to judge him.

I don’t know what, why, how, and I never will. There will almost certainly never be any resolution (their rarely is).

So I moved on. I learned from the experience. It was so valuable to me and I am grateful to him.

But I move on. I have more projects to do. Ones that I am excited about. And people to do those projects with.

People that I am excited about.


Someone in my family wrote to me, “I never want to speak or I have contact with you again.”

I went through every one of these stages above.

First, anger. Then wondering about their anger. Then really examining what I could have done better.

Then reaching out with love and trying to reconnect (it didn’t work).

And then finally moving on because the families we are born into are often not the families we die with.

And the friends we meet on the first day of school are often not the friends we stand next to on graduation day.

And the partners we choose on the first day of a new business are often not the partners we cash out when the business is sold.

Everyone is worthy of being loved like a daughter.

But even your children grow up and become adults and life continues.

Don’t judge. Move forward.

Today I interview one of my heroes. And tonight I will sleep well.

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Monday, July 23, 2018

375 – Bishop T.D. Jakes:

Links and Resources

Soar!: Build Your Vision From the Ground Up by T.D. Jakes

Woman, Thou Art Loosed by T.D. Jakes

Identity: Discover Who You Are and Live a Life of Purpose by T.D. Jakes

Destiny: Step Into Your Purpose by T.D. Jakes

The Potter’s House

Watch his youtube channel 

Also Mentioned

My Interview with Ken Langone 

Tyler Perry


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The Purpose of Reading…

Reading is the worst “invention” ever. Reading is like a mental death squad.

On average I’ve read about 10 hours a week since I was five years old. Some weeks more, some weeks less.

That’s 23,400 hours of reading.

That’s about 11 work years (the average person works 2000 hours a year).

I could’ve done something with my life in that time. I could’ve spent those 23,400 hours, at the very least, as a fireman and saved lives.

So, in order to justify this blatant abuse of the precious life we were intended to live, I need to come up with some reasons to say why reading is good.



When you read a book, in just 3–10 hours, you absorb the entire life of the ego-maniac who thought he was important enough to write a book.

You suck in his life, learn from it, spit out the pseudo-intellectual vomit that makes up the rest.

Now you’re one life ahead of everyone else. Repeat.


Want to crush your brother-in-law in status? Read a book about how to play better tennis/golf/Nascar racing whatever he is into.

Books are great virtual mentors. Want to get rich? Read five books about Warren Buffett.

Want to win trivia games? Read all sorts of books about the Civil War.

Want to argue economics with someone just to prove how smart you were? Read a textbook and pretend to know about Keynesian economics.

Books are a great way to get status over other people since 99.999% of the people I know can’t finish even a single book per year.


The best way to write better is to read better.

If someone just sits down and writes an article or book and thinks it should be good because they have “talent” then they are idiots.

It’s really hard to write well.

I feel like eye-vomiting when I read most people’s articles or books.

The best way to write better is to read lots of good books and then spend thousands of hours writing.

But start with the good books. Who is good? Who knows.

Always before I write, I read for an hour or so to get my brain all ready to write.

And the only reasons someone writes is because they think they have something important to say. Hence the ego-maniac part.

There’s seven billion people on the planet. Why should people listen to you?

But they will if you fool them into it by good writing. And you get good by reading.


When I hate my life, I often read thrillers, science fiction, or other page-turners (yes, even romance).

Maybe I’m unhappy in my job. Or I have no friends. Or my relationship is awful.

Reading is like practice for the good life I know I DESERVE to live.

It’s a safe way to practice. Nobody gets hurt but you get absorbed into the world of the book almost as if you were really alive there.

It’s voluntary schizophrenia.

Reading is not natural.

We did not evolve to read squiggly black lines on a piece of paper.

For one thing: our genes are the same as human being 250,000 years ago.

Human beings didn’t have papers or word processors or even typewriters then. They didn’t even have pens.

So our eyes and brains are not supposed to handle reading.

The only people who read are ego-maniac, voluntary schizophrenics who want status over others.

They have to be or why would they subject their eyes to such torture.

Imagine being in a typical big bookstore. About 10,000 books. 9,999 of them are awful.

A bookstore is the warehouse of evil.

And most books are envelopes of souls.

Don’t sell your life by slipping into the wonderland of books.

Unless you really have to.


p.s. In all ten Star Wars movies I have never once seen Yoda (or anyone, for that matter) read. Nobody reads in other galaxies! Shame on me once!

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Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Do Self-help Books Really Work? My answer…


I was at a dinner party last month. Someone said I had written a self-help book.

The host of the dinner, a psychiatrist, asked, “Oh? Are you a psychologist?”

I said, “No.” He immediately disliked me. I felt it. Whatever. I didn’t care.

But I don’t write self-help books. Most of my books are about how pathetic I’ve been, how pathetic I am, how pathetic I will be.

And then the things I do about it.

Some of the things I do are insane. Insanity is a good story. And I write it and move on.

I write about the time I figured out how to kill myself without hurting myself. Which is really hard to do.

I write about the time I found out she was cheating. He was a fraud. She was violent. He died. I almost died. I saw a plane crash. I was scared and small and hateful.

When I wrote “The Power of No”, it wasn’t because I trying to teach people how to say “No”. It’s because I’m really bad at saying “No” and I shared all of my experiences on learning how to say “no” better.

When I say “self-help”, I AM THE SELF. I’m just trying to help me.

Sometimes I read self-help books. A lot of them are garbage. 99% of them are garbage.

Just like anything: a few books are good. Books that give me one or two ideas that have changed my life.

Anything that tells me I should worry less (because worry never solves a problem) and I should take good care of myself (because the best way to save the world is to save myself first) are good ideas.

Everything else is garbage. Word vomit.


I read a book about black holes.

Nothing can escape a black hole. It’s so dense and the gravity so thick that not even light can escape a black hole.’s black.

When I am in an argument with my girlfriend I turn into a black hole.

I can feel the transformation. I go into the other room and even if the fight is over, nothing can come out of me. I go silent and even if someone is nice to me, the best I can do is nod.

I can’t do anything. No words, emotions, light from my eyes, a sincere smile, can escape the dark gravitational pull of my despair.

I’m a warfare of silence.

I even say to myself, “get out of this shell!” but I can’t. I’m stuck. For how long, I don’t know.

One thing about black holes (the “Hawking radiation”) is that information can escape a black hole. We KNOW that a black hole is there.

So something escaped. Knowledge. A thin invisible line that breaks out of the center of the black hole like a runaway slave and makes its way out into the universe.

It travels thousands of light years to our telescopes and then to our hearts and imaginations.

It’s the one lifeline inside a black hole that reaches out and grabs onto creation. And that is the reason we know black holes exist.

Because something reached for the positive. Something reached out and cried, “I exist!”

When I read that I know that I can get out of my emotional black holes. I can find something positive in my life, I can reach onto it and grab it and hold on for dear life.

I exist! I am here! I go to my girlfriend, who has been sad and waiting for me. I am here! I love you! Let’s not fight. Everything can be figured out.

Let’s not worry. Let’s take care of ourselves. Let’s take care of each other.

I read that in a book about black holes.

Every book is a self-help book.

I’m on a train right now. Passing trees. The trees create the oxygen that feed the Earth.

I can breathe deep. I can breathe at all. I take a breath.

The building blocks of nature help the self. Just as we can help others.

The positive life lines exist in every moment, in ever book, in every tree we pass, in every set of eyes that looks at us, in everyone who loves us, in everyone we love.

I don’t always love myself. But I try to find the one positive that can let me escape my inner black holes.

I find those positives in everything.

Including the occasional self-help book.

Including that moment you first told me you had feelings for me.

Including that first spray of light through the window that lets me see your arm, your hair, your back. My hand. Reaching for connection.

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374 – Robert Greene: The Laws of Mastery: Know What You Want & How to Master It

Links and Resources

48 Laws of Power” by Robert Greene

Mastery” by Robert Greene

Art of Seduction: An Indispensible Primer on the Ultimate Form of Power” by Robert Greene

Also Mentioned

11 Rings” by Phil Jackson

Influence” by Robert Cialdini

Nicholas Tesla

Y Combinator creator Paul Graham

Steve Jobs


Steve Jobs: A Biographyby Walter Isaacson

Leonardo da Vinci quote: “Just as a well-filled day brings blessed sleep, so a well-employed life brings a blessed death.”

Thanks so much for listening! If you like this episode, please subscribe to “The James Altucher Show” and rate and review wherever you get your podcasts:

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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

I Learned A Big Lesson…

Ugh, I’m so embarrassed it’s disgusting. I’m an awful human being.

I moved out of an apartment and I asked for my security deposit back.

I had hired someone to clean the apartment and leave it spotless.

But after I asked for my deposit back the landlord’s agent sent me some photos of the way I left the apartment and some things I left in the apartment and it was horrible.

It was gross. It was disgusting.

I was a champion.

I’m supposed to be better than this but I’m not. I left the apartment in a totally irresponsible way.

I’m supposed to respond right now to the landlord to confirm that I saw these photos but I can’t hit “Send”.

Google gives me that option. I can just hit the button says “I Confirm” and Gmail will send that for me.

But I can’t do it.

So to formally answer the question:

I learned a big lesson: I’m a horrible, disgusting, irresponsible man and human being.

I also learned: I’m afraid of confrontation. I would pay any amount of money to not have to respond to this landlord.

I also learned: I’m not so good at the details. I thought I had left this apartment in perfect shape but I was wrong.

These are not the real lessons. These are sub-lessons. I’ll get to the real lesson.

Part of the question is: “when” did I learn this lesson.

Five minutes ago.

For the past five minutes I’ve been sitting here ashamed of myself.

I can’t even think straight I’m so ashamed of myself.

The only way I’m going to survive this is to somehow learn not to care about being horribly embarrassed so I’m not ashamed for the rest of my life.

But that won’t happen. I’d have to be a sociopath to not be humiliated that these photos were sent to me.

I’m sitting here answering this question figuring I must have some lesson to learn from this.

It can’t be: not to care. Because I do care.

Maybe it should be: pay more attention to details but that sort of sucks because I’ve never been that good at details and most details don’t matter.

Maybe it should be: don’t try and pretend to be perfect because I’m not. But I basically knew that and this is just yet another reminder of that.

It’s not a big deal. It’s not like I left a dead body there. But still…disgusting.

I could write back and apologize. I’ll probably do that. But I don’t like to apologize.

I’ll also write back and say I don’t need the security deposit.

I spent a lot of good months in that apartment and now the whole memory is sort of ruined. Or at least tainted.

Ok, what’s the lesson. Jesus, James, come up with a goddamn lesson from this.

Am I the world champion of gross? Is nobody better than me?

Ok. Ok. Calm down. I’m going to come up with one lesson.

It can’t be a cliche. Like, “I’m not perfect”. I already knew that. I did think that at one point. That I was, at the very least, a genius. But then I learned I wasn’t a long time ago.

It can’t be another cliche like: “There are no lessons in life”.

Because that’s not true. For instance, “Treat people well” is a good lesson. “Be a good dad” is a good lesson. “Eat well”, etc. are all good lessons.

I say “Eat well” even though since I’ve gotten this email from the landlord’s real estate agent I’ve been binge-eating chips almost as a defense mechanism. Stuff shit in my face in order to avoid feeling like a piece of shit.

Ugh, what fucking lesson did I learn?

It’s only been five (not six) minutes so maybe it takes time for a lesson to settle in.

That could be another cliche lesson, like, “Time heals all wounds” which it does.

I watched a plane crash once and lots of people die. It took about five years before I stopped having vivid nightmares at night.

It took about ten years to forget the first time I went totally broke.

It took also about ten years to get being cheated on by someone I thought I was in love with.

I hacked my love’s computer and read every email, text, photo. I was obsessed.

Lesson learned: don’t hack someone’s computer. Not worth it.

But that’s not the lesson I learned here.

She wrote, “After we assess the damage we can figure out what you owe us.” I’m not even getting the security deposit back. I might OWE them.

I could be a total dick about it and say, “I owe you NOTHING. I left the place and cleaned up and let you show it to new tenants for months. I was a total good guy about that.”

But I won’t say that. Because I’m not like that. Some people are. I always wonder about the people who can be jerks and just not care. I can’t do that and yet that happens to me a lot.

Ok. Just calm down. I’m sure I learned a lesson here. What is it?


I just scrolled and looked at some other answers. Here’s a cliche lesson: “Always forgive yourself”.

What, should Hitler forgive himself? I don’t think so. His art was horrible, his mustache sucked, and he killed some people. If he only killed FIVE MILLION less people he still would’ve killed ONE MILLION people.

Cliche lesson: “Never judge yourself.”

What? I’m totally judging myself. I was bad and I didn’t realize it. Ugh. So embarrassed right now.

Ok, here’s a lesson I learned:

I’m a fucking piece of shit some of the time.

Thanks for listening.

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Monday, July 16, 2018

373 – Sasha Cohen

“I knew I wanted to be at the Olympics one day,” Sasha Cohen said, “even though I didn’t fully understand what it was. I just knew this was when the whole world stopped.”

It was 1992. And Sasha had just seen Kristi Yamaguchi win the gold medal. She and a million other young girls were watching Kristi. And I bet all of them thought ‘boy I’d really like to be in the olympics for ice skating’.

So why was Sasha different from the other million girls out there? I wanted to know what it was because it’s the secret to what made her the best in the world.

Let’s back up to where her story really began:

“So what was the thing,” I asked, “Were you just like this incredible, natural athlete as a 3 year old.”

It was the exact opposite of that, actually.

“I was basically the most hyperactive child. I destroyed the house. And my mom decided to put me in gymnastics for 3 hours a day to use up my energy,” she said.

Sasha was a rambunctious child. And she needed an outlet.

“Once I started doing gymnastics, my family got a docile, well-behaved child. And from there I started ice skating. And I fell in love with it.”

“How much in that very beginning period was there natural talent versus skill,” I asked.

“I don’t know if I had a lot of natural talent. I had a lot of enthusiasm and a lot of energy to burn. I loved to run, climb trees, cause trouble. Skating allowed me to develop myself athletically. And artistically.”

There was structure as well. There was always a plan to get to the next level.

And plans for being in the Olympic cycle started early.

So what was the THING that made Sasha different from all those million of other young girls?

“I think I have a laser like focus when I find something I’m interested in,” Sasha said, “I latch on like a dog and I don’t let go. I’m obstinate. It’s repeat, repeat, repeat. And when I found ice skating it became obsessive. It was this incredible sense of purpose.”

It was a single minded focus. She took ballet and pilates. She was homeschooled. Almost nothing else mattered besides ice skating. She made it to nationals when she was 12. And she had a huge shot at making it to the Olympics one day.

“There’s promise, but there’s hundreds of girls that have promise. And you don’t know.”

And in sports everything is unknown. The timing might not be right. Or you could get seriously injured. And Sasha did. She broke her back. She was only 15. And it was right before a national competition to make it on a team for the Olympics. She had to withdraw from the competition completely.

“How did you break your back,” I asked.

“Through falling. Repetitive stress on the same point from landing jumps and lay back spins. And I was growing. It just whacked everything out of place.”

“Did you cry,” I asked.

“I’m sure I cried. I think early on I learned to put up walls. And not let people see how I felt. You hold yourself together, but I remember watching people compete, earning spots on the world team, and just being crushed I wasn’t there. And then there’s doubt that sits with you.”

She had to take 3 months off. But she healed and got right back on the rink to continue her pursuit. And I was shocked. I’d never do something again if I broke my back doing that thing. If I were her, I wouldn’t have been able to look at another ice rink again as long as I lived. I wanted to know why she decided to go back.

“Because once you understand what the Olympics are and what they mean, it’s consuming. There’s nothing else.”

And I learned that timing is everything in sports. You only have a small window of time every 4 years to be considered.

“You just hope it’s right. It’s like the eclipse. You hope it happens at the right time when the Olympics are there.”

Sasha missed the 2002 window. I wondered if she was scared when she first got back on the ice after breaking her back.

“I wasn’t scared. I was trying to be smart.”

She didn’t have time to get hurt and be set back again. So she took some extra time. And came back slowly.

“And then I trained my ass off. I was in physical therapy, pilates, ballet, skating and off ice conditioning. It was from morning until night. And then I would come home and watch the videos that my mom would record of my jumps and my program.”

She was in a relentless pursuit of the Olympics. Nothing was going to stop her. And she continued to put in the work.

“You have to put in the work. And to preserve. You can get good at anything if you put in the time. And you have discipline and the tenacity.”

There’s not many people in the world that learn to be the best in the world at something. There’s something extra you have to put in everyday. And I think Sasha learned that from a very young age.

“What you need is to be obsessive. And it’s not healthy because it’s at the expense of something and usually everything else. And it’s the unhealthy, obsessive quality where it’s so easy to just not have friends, to not be social, to put everything into one thing. It’s the obsessiveness which I think creates greatness.”

And she’s right. Not many people have this quality in them to go after something like nothing else matters. It can affect a lot of other areas of your life.

Sasha was relentless. She put total focus into ice skating. She thought of everything that would help her make it happen.

“Whatever you’re obsessive about, whatever means more to you than anything else is where you will put your time.”

In 2006 in Turin, Italy, it was Sasha’s time. She won the silver medal.

“I felt like I was on fire. It was this incredible sixty or ninety seconds of holy shit, I am on top of the world. I did this. This is incredible. It’s a high that I’ve never had before.”

10 years after this moment, Sasha decided she was done with ice skating. She was ready to be a “tadpole in the ocean”. She was ready to reinvent. She went to Columbia University. And now works for Morgan Stanley.

I hope this episode helps someone who feels stuck. Because I feel like Sasha really laid out the formula to finding your passion. And how to go after it with a relentless pursuit.


Links and Resources

Follow Sasha on Facebook+ Instagram+ Twitter


Also Mentioned

Morgan Stanley

60 Minutes


Kristi Yamaguchi

Anders Ericsson

Malcolm Gladwell

Richard Feynman

The Weight of Gold Documentary 


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Friday, July 13, 2018

A Letter I Would Send To My Teenage Self

When you called Steve G. and said, “Do you think I’m so ugly that no girl will ever like me?” and he said, “Maybe in college or later someone will like you”, remember to not listen to him.

In fact, probably better not to ask that question but I know that is a big ask.

Your acne went away. Your braces went away. And you met more people with curly or wild hair.

Steve G. is a good guy and was trying to be a good friend.

BUT DON’T outsource your self-esteem to other people.

Treat your mom better. She had polio and I still don’t know all the ways that changed her psychologically.

Treat your dad better. Because he’s dead now and you’re going to miss him. STOP STEALING from his wallet every morning.

When you were debating skipping 12th grade but you didn’t because you wanted to be “normal”, LISTEN TO ME RIGHT NOW: skip 12th grade.

You went to college and then graduate school to learn “computers”.

When you were a teenager you didn’t think you’d like computers but you became obsessed. You started programming 20 out of 24 hours a day.

“OBSESSIONS” IS THE BEST COLLEGE. You can’t be the greatest without obsession.

College was great because you finally met girls who liked you. But that was going to happen anyway.

So SKIP college and just learn computers (embrace obsession). And then charge a lot of money to do computer-y things.

Then start a company and sell it. Then start another one and sell that.

Move to New York City as soon as possible.

All the opportunity is there. All of the money is there. All of your future friends are there. Every subculture is there.

Immerse yourself.

You start doing standup comedy when you are 48 years old.

Why don’t you start right now. You love it. Don’t be afraid. Just get on stage in front of 12 people and do it. Nobody is going to die.

Communication skills are the most important skills for any successful person. Learning how to motivate, learning how to make people laugh. Learning how to take a vision in your brain and transplant it into other people’s brains.

Comedy will help with all of that.

BUT make money with computers.

Do 100 pushups a day instead of zero.

Stop breakdancing and start getting obsessed with chess earlier.

People think “chess” equals “intelligence”. Once you become a chess master everyone thinks you’re a genius so you make a lot of money that way.

Also, the great thing about becoming a chess master is that the learning skills you developed to learn a hard thing can then be applied to learning other things.

Trust me, you will need those learning skills to survive.

You love reading but you didn’t start writing obsessively until you were 23 years old.

Start earlier. See above: communication skills are important.

I would say, “read more” but you already do that.

Reading is a great way to connect the dots between history, your life now, and the future.

This gives you the ability to have a vision of how to make things better.

This will help you lead people, create businesses, sell businesses, sell products, sell yourself.

So keep it up!

Never buy a home. DO NOT BUY A HOME.


A) never invest more than 2% of your net worth in any one investments.

B) always invest with co-investors smarter than you

C) always invest in a CEO who has done it before.

D) never break these rules.

Don’t be greedy.

Whenever you make a lot of money, don’t spent it on material possessions. Spend it on experiences.

Give a lot to charity. Try to do it anonymously.

But rent a nice apartment. Convenience is everything.

Don’t stay in a relationship where you are unhappy.

You’re the type of person who hates confrontation.

If you turn into me, then you will have spent an extra decade of your life in relationships where you were unhappy.

What’s the best way to end a relationship?

I know you hate difficult or confrontational conversations.


A) don’t move in with someone too fast.

B) don’t stay with someone out of fear

C) Just say, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m feeling confused and I have to be focused on my business stuff right now. I’m sorry.”

Oh! That just reminded me.


Every decision is either one or the other.

Like when you stayed with that one person because you were afraid what she would say to other people you worked with.

Yeah…dump that person.


A) start it as a service business (for example. a consulting business)

B) but turn it into a software business (what you consult on, automate with software).

A profitable software business can be sold for 20 to 100 times what your profits are.

A profitable service business will be sold for three times what your profits are.

This is an important business rule you didn’t learn until your 30s.

Example: you had a business that made websites for big companies (don’t worry what a “website” is yet.)

That’s a service business.

But make software so that companies can make their own websites. Automate what you were doing for them.

Then package yourself as a software business.

I know you’re never going to follow the rules of society so I don’t need to remind you of that.

Good job!

Listen to the lyrics of early 70s (or late 60s) rock songs. All of the wisdom of the world is there.

For instance, study word for word “All Along the Watchtower” and “Everybody’s Talkin’”

Remember this: all of school is useless. School teaches facts but you’re going to forget all the facts.

Don’t believe me? Ask any adult when Charlemagne (the most important Emperor in all of European history) was born. Nobody will get it right within 300 years.

Here’s what you need to learn:

A) Communication skills (speaking, writing, motivating)

B) Learning skills (which you’ll get when you become a chess master but learn it earlier).

C) Business skills (sales, negotiating, leadership, motivation, execution, problem solving, copywriting, overdelivering)

D) Networking skills (don’t just meet people, introduce the people you meet to each other. Focus on creating value for your connections more than just making more connections).

The only things you ever learn in life are the things you are enthusiastic about.

The people who are enthusiastic will beat the people who don’t care.

You get enthusiastic by reading a lot and trying lots of things. Not going to school. Never ONCE will you get enthusiastic about something you discover in a classroom.

You’re the average of the five people you surround yourself with.

This is always true.

So if you are around bad people, get rid of them.

How can you be around good people? Fake it till you make it.

Here’s an idea: start a radio show or a magazine and call up all of your heroes and interview them.

This is how you learn, network, have better friends, create more opportunities, live a larger life.

If you ever feel like you have to kiss someone’s ass to get what you want then you are making fear decisions.


People often say “the key to success is knowing when to say ‘NO’. “

This is true in your 30s and later.

But in your teens and 20s say “YES” to most things.

This will give you a lot of good stories at the very least.

Always go where it’s least crowded.

I mean this metaphorically.

Literally, though: go where it’s most crowded.

Be the person everyone wants to be friends with.

Not because you are nice. But because you are interesting and inspiring and are creative and, finally, because you are giving.

Give away all of your ideas.


Which means: don’t be a sore loser. Learn from the losses. Lose frequently so you learn more.

I was too afraid of losing when I was your age.

Now I lose every day. I’m a loser.

Very important: never spell loser as “looser”.


– be insanely curious about them.
– be vulnerable. But don’t offer facts unless they ask.
– connect people who can help each other (but ask permission on each side first)
– give ideas freely
– know that everyone is going through their own insecurities and pains.
– don’t judge people. don’t gossip.
– Talk about ideas instead of other people. HEROES TALK ABOUT IDEAS, VILLAINS TALK ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE.
– Always be honest. No exceptions.

Keep in touch with your best friend, Robert. You have no idea where he is when you’re older and you miss him.

Maybe he’s dead. I don’t even know.

People say, “under promise and over deliver”.

This is bullshit. ALWAYS “over promise and over deliver.”

Never be arrogant. You become pretty arrogant in your 20s. And a lot of people don’t like the way you look so they’ll hate you for arrogance.

Always have beginner’s mind.

Assume everyone around you is secretly an alien that was sent down to Earth to teach you a lesson or send you on a mission.

Listen closely.

Don’t take a “No” from someone who can’t say “Yes”.

Corollary: steal great quotes from smart people (thanks Steve Cohen and Gillian Segal for the above).

Don’t feel bad when you can’t sexually function with girls you are not that into. You’re not a machine.

Oh, and don’t feel bad when you can’t sexually function with girls you are falling in love with.

Sometimes you’ll just feel awkward and it takes time for you/me to get comfortable with someone. If someone loves you, they’ll simply love you and you’ll get comfortable with each other.

That’s nothing to feel bad about despite our porn culture.


Don’t pay attention to this letter.

If you make all your mistakes, have all of your fears, get kicked out of bed by that girl in 1995 at 3 in the morning because you were impotent, lose money in all of those businesses, be at the World Trade Center on “that day” (figure it out for yourself), get into all of those unhealthy relationships, write those first five or six shitty books, have those awful first bosses, get disappointed by those 20 or 40 or 60 friends, throw that coconut in the street at midnight because a psychic told you to, don’t say “bye” to dad, waste all that time on chess, Go, poker, scrabble, writing bad novels, etc, start that “Twitter dating site”, start that mobile software company that loses $100 million, make that horrible decision about that one woman (you’ll know what I mean – several times), be filled with so much regret you’ll want to repeatedly kill yourself, get thrown out of school, get rejected over 1000 times by women, publishers, investors, TV channels, customers, more women, and in situations that don’t exist yet…

Then you’re going to have an amazing life.

See you soon and I love you.

– James at 50

P.S. (get it? That was a TV show when you were a kid: “James at 15”)

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Monday, July 9, 2018

371 – Amy Morin Interviews Me (How to Say “No,” Anxiety, Success & More)

Links and Resources

13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do: Take Back Your Power, Embrace Change, Face Your Fears, and Train Your Brain for Happiness and Success by Amy Morin

13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don’t Do: Raising Self-Assured Children and Training Their Brains for a Life of Happiness, Meaning, and Success by Amy Morin

There Are Only 4 Times You Should Agree to Work for Free” by Amy Morin on Inc.

Ep. 259 – Amy Morin: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do

Ep. 289 – Amy Morin: The Easiest Side Hustle You Can Start Right Now


Also Mentioned

My interview with Nell Scovell

My Google talk

The Power of No” by me (James Altucher)

“The Tonight Show” with Jay Leno

My latest book, “Reinvent Yourself

My interview with Richard Branson

My interview with Judy Blume

Parker Posey

Judd Apatow


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THE END OF AMERICA (from an optimist’s perspective)

I’m usually accused of being too much of an optimist.

When someone tells me “global warming” I immediately think: good thing people are working on alt-energy solutions.

When someone tells me “automation will crush jobs” I think, “Well, look at what happened when ATMs supposedly were going to replace bank tellers. Nothing. The cost savings created a bank on every corner.”

When someone tells me I’m ugly, I think, “ok, you’re right. But I have a sense of humor.”

If someone says, “What about American debt rising so much?”, I go through the basic math:

– The US is $19 TRILLION in debt.

– BUT the US just has to pay $225 Billion a year to service that debt. That’s only 7% of GDP, down from 17% in the mid 90s. So we’re actually financially healthier than 20 years ago.

– and if you subtract out what the US owes the US (yes, we owe money to ourselves), then the national debt is just $13 Trillion and our debt obligations go down to about 3 or 4%.

If your salary was $100,000 and you had to pay just $4000 a year to service all of your debt, you would say, “no problem”.

Let’s take on more debt.


(chart: federal interest payments is at it’s smallest level vs GDP since the 70s)

And yet…I think America is DOOMED. And I think there’s no solution for the country.

And people should be aware of how we are doomed so they know what to do.

There’s only so many flowers you can plant over shit. Eventually the whole thing smells like shit.

Let me outline the problem that is going to bring down the United States.


This started with “The Higher Education Act of 1965”.

It has a seemingly fine and generous idea: let’s help the less fortunate get a higher education so they can be more competitive.

I love this idea. The feeling is correct.

But unfortunately it failed due to corruption, lousy economics, lack of understanding of basic finance, and a ton of other reasons I’ll get to.

I have a solution which I’ll describe in a bit.


Since 1965, the price of tuition has gone up HIGHER THAN INFLATION every single year (EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR) by an average of 9%.

By comparison, medical care costs have gone up faster than inflation by an average of 5% every year.

Corruption #1: Since the government is backing it, college Presidents are simply charging more without thinking about the future consequences of the country OR OF THE STUDENTS who take on these loans.

(chart: inflation vs tuition. Why???)


In 2003 it was $250 Billion. But 9% a year faster than inflation compounds quickly and it’s not stopping.

Here’s the problem: everyone is brainwashed into thinking they need college to have 1) a satisfying social experience from the ages of 18-22 and 2) they won’t get jobs if they don’t go to college.

So an 18 year old, whose brain is inclined towards taking more risk (as 18 years old have been for a million years) is being offered $250,000 in loans which they accept.

Meanwhile, they are not even allowed to drink a glass of beer.


The rich can afford to send their kids to college.

The lower class gets financial aid and has to take on less debt. OR they take on blue collar jobs, some of which pay higher than many white collar jobs (show me a poor plumber).

The middle class can only afford higher education by taking out $100,000s in student loans. Average student loan debt is about $50,000 but my guess is the middle class, which doesn’t benefit from financial aid, has a debt figure much higher.

Anecdotally, when I survey my younger friends, the debt ranged from $100,000 to half a million dollars. The latter was with a doctor but, sadly, he hates being a doctor and is now trapped.

If the middle class is the victim that means eventually the middle class dies out.

(chart: declining middle class. debt up but salaries down):



Why did the government do this? Because 18 year olds are not qualified to make financial decisions about their lives.

So the government had to enforce that they can’t borrow millions and then just say, “Whoops! Bankruptcy”.

You can get rid of mortgage debt, credit card debt, any other debt with bankruptcy. But not the student loan debt you owe the government.

The government will follow you forever, garnishing your wages, until you pay them back when you are 90 years old, keeping you in near-poverty your entire life.

So much for the government trying to help kids get a higher education.


This current generation of young people will not be able to graduate and take risks like being an entrepreneur, an inventor, an innovator, even an artist.

Instead, they will have to take sales jobs at eyeglass stores to start paying down that debt. The government gives six months after graduation before you have to start paying down that debt.

“Don’t take risks!,” The government is telling our kids – the exact people who will need to take risks to continue American innovation the way it’s always been throughout US history.

Why do I say “sales jobs in eyeglass stores”.

I once went to the NYU campus and interviewed about a dozen people I saw. Two of the kids had majored in Economics, couldn’t get jobs, and now were unhappy working for some eyeglass store so they could pay back debt.

I know that’s only an anecdote. But they did not seem like happy young people to me, despite their degrees.

(chart: already entrepreneurship is decreasing rapidly)



The rise in automation will force many people who work in automated industries to strike out on their own as entrepreneurs.

But since this involves risk that student loan holders can’t take, these debt holders are screwed.

The rich young people will become entrepreneurs and get richer. The student loan holders will drive Ubers for minimum wage just to keep up with basic payments.

The jobs to pay down student loan debt will disappear.

By the way, it’s not just shelf-stacking at Walmart that is getting automated.

Legal and even medical services – high end professional jobs – are being quickly automated. JP Morgan recently announced they did about 300,000 hours of billable legal work in just a weekend using AI.

This is not an anti-AI post. This is reality.

(chart: robots vs jobs)


The upper classes will continue to pay for their kids to go to Harvard. Where they will marry other Harvard grads. And then have Harvard kids.

The middle class, which is moving towards the lower class, will be forced to send their kids to lower ranked and cheaper schools (while they continue to pay down their own debt), increasing the disparity between the classes as the middle class quietly shuts down their doors.



I’m not saying anything good or bad about either of those two people. But their policies (as evidenced by Trump’s recent tariffs) are strikingly similar on paper.

Obama, Clinton, and even Bush (Sr), and Reagan, were centrist compared to Trump and Sanders.

I don’t care if one person makes more than another based on merit.

It’s when government policies over decades have created enough income inequality to make it impossible for a meritocracy to exist that income inequality creates a real political and cultural problem.

The entrepreneurs and artists have disappeared and we are left with just angry people making angry social media posts all day long from their air-conditioned suburban homes.

(chart: Sanders and Trump agree on these issues among others)


We’re the leaders right now in biotech, alternative energy, Internet tech, etc. But that’s changing more every single year.


As the classes get angrier at each other, and the political candidates get more extreme (think Germany in 1933), when will the ramifications have real costs other than angry articles in the media?


With chaos starting to emerge, the innovators and entrepreneurs (the ones that would normally move from middle class to upper class but will now just be upper class for generations) will start investing their money (or even moving) outside of the country.

The US is the richest country because outside money from other countries comes in here because of our innovation and technology.

When money flees, America becomes dependent on the kindness of it’s neighbors.

How friendly are Canada, Mexico, Europe, and China going to be to our declining middle class?


There will be no real leadership. No foreign allies. And what happens to countries like this? Eventual violence in the streets. German, Argentina, Russia, Arab Spring, Asia, are all examples.

How long will this take?

I don’t know. 10 years? 15? But it will happen and the solutions are hard or impossible:



Maybe there’s a way out! I’m still an optimist. At least, I think you and I can do well.

– Force tuitions to go down: This will never happen.

– Stop backing student loans: This will never happen since the basic argument is: everybody deserves a higher education. Which is untrue and a myth but people believe it strongly.

You can say, “adjust tuition based on major” but the reality is this will never happen.

Even Google no longer requires you to have a college degree but I think the myth of higher education is so baked into society that it’s a hard argument to tell an 18 year old to not take out a quarter million in loans to pay for a useless degree.

– End corruption: There’s evidence states give kickbacks to companies that facilitate the college loans. Many college presidents make millions in salary. Etc.

Corruption has a tendency to get bigger, not smaller, so I don’t expect this to stop.

(John Lahey, president of Quinnipiac College, makes $3.4 million salary)


The only two things I can think of are:


Price is always a function of supply and demand.

If you reduce the demand for college, price will be forced to go down.

And supply is already increasing. There’s a ton of online schools out there. Even many colleges offer their courses online (although without the degree).

I did a podcast once with a kid who finished an MIT Computer Science degree in a year using their online courses.

He didn’t get the degree but he got the skills.

Unfortunately, so many kids see their peers going to college and have a fear of missing out that the will insist on the standard college experience.

Meanwhile, they will have no ability to determine if the debt is a good thing for them or not. 18 year old brains are not equipped to assess risk.

So even though changing the supply / demand equation should effect tuition price, I don’t see it realistically happening.

Heck, I WROTE THE BOOK, “40 Alternatives to College” (which was #1 in Amazon under “College” for a long time) and my 19 year old still insisted on going to college.


Here’s an idea which I bet can make some money.

What if I graduate college and then say, “I will sell off 10% of all of my future earnings”.

This creates an exchange where I can invest in kids that look like they have bright futures (or some organizations can do it for charitable reasons) and then I get a piece of all the earnings of the kids I invest in.

This could be a great source of income for older people in a low-interest rate environment.

And it can also help kids monetize their future income (the way a company does every single day) to help pay down their student loan debt.

It doesn’t even have to be kids who just graduated.

Maybe when the person reaches age 30 and has demonstrated some success, people will want to invest in 10% of their future earnings.

This will help the person at age 30 pay off the remainder of their debt and move it more into the private sector.

This is exactly similar to the “Bowie Bonds” that David Bowie used in the 90s to sell off in the present future royalties for his music.


Sure some of these “investments” will not work out but some will, creating a source of income for older generations and removing the debt of younger generations, allowing them to be the entrepreneurs and innovators they were meant to be.

Will this happen? I don’t know.

Why don’t you make this business? Be a billionaire.



The corruption of the college tuition system has ruined the country.

This generation of kids will not be able to be entrepreneurs or innovators, which has been the driving force of US growth throughout its history.

This will lead to the death of the middle class, further income inequality, and eventual recession, depression, and violence.

There are solutions, but they are unlikely to be implemented.

SO…the best way is for people to find opportunities right now before the s**t hits the fan, even though it’s already starting to hit the fan there are still plenty of opportunities.

And, if I were 18, start making money right now instead of spending an enormous amount on a wasted four year social experience.

And, yeah, I’m still an optimist.

I want to be in love, have more kids, take care of myself, and die a peaceful death with high quality of life until old age.

I want to choose my future.


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