Friday, December 20, 2019

The Democratic Disaster Last Week and How the Candidates Can Be Better

In 1980, I visited President Jimmy Carter in the White House.

I was obsessed with politics. With the people who worked so hard to be governor or senator or president.

I think it was because I was insecure. I didn’t want to be just me. I wanted people to like me, to maybe even VOTE for me.

At age 12.

When my friends were starting to hold hands with girls and feel those first unusual stirrings of romance, I would go home every day and call senators and governors and presidential candidates for hours.

I would write letters to them, maybe 50 letters a day, and steal the stamps from my parents.

If I came home from school and there were zero responses in the mailbox I’d be so upset I’d often skip school the next day.

One day I skipped school and I called Bill Bradley, the senator from New Jersey. It was the 100th time I had called him.

I told his staff I worked for the local newspaper, The Home News, which was true because of my paper route. I told his staff I needed to interview him.

He got on the phone and said, “Why aren’t you in school?”
Because this is what I did all day every day.

I didn’t care at all about the issues. I was only 12 years old! I tried to read about “Welfare” and “mutual assured destruction” but I just didn’t care.

I loved the game. How do people win an election? How do people plan years or decades in advance (as was the case with Kennedy) to be president?

I went to the 1980 Democratic Convention. I went to Washington D.C. in 1980 to meet Rex Scouten, the chief usher of the White House.

It was my birthday and he gave my dad and me a special tour of the private wing of the White House where we saw Carter and others.

I had a plan. In this order I’d be: a juror, a city councilman, a state senator, a congressman, a governor, a senator, a president.

I interviewed (my first podcast?) about 50 senators, congressmen, mayors, presidential candidates.

I got the printed list from the Federal Elections Commission of who was running for president.

There were hundreds of people from obscure third parties. I called ALL of them.

I spoke to a guy whose motto was, “When in doubt, mumble.” (Jim Boren, who was specifically running to be Ted Kennedy’s vice president.)

I spoke to another guy (still a well-known economist) Norman Kurland whose entire platform was that employees should own the companies they work for.

I spoke to a guy who said he was Chief Crazy Horse’s grandson and he was running for Native American rights.

One time I spoke to Minority Leader of the House (later Speaker of the House) Jim Wright. I was so excited I called my mom afterward. She said, “I have to go,” and hung up.

Every month when the phone bill came, my dad would hit me as hard as possible. “We told you to stop!” He sold all my toys to pay for the bill.

But I was an addict. I couldn’t stop.

Within a year, by 1981, I had lost interest.

Girls, girls, girls.

One girl I asked out said, “Maybe in 100 years.” Another simply ran away.

But the phone bill went down.

That said, I love the game.

I love watching the debates. It’s such incredible B.S. Everyone is playing out a narrative they think will work. Everyone’s an actor, and usually a bad one.

I feel a lot of times people pick their “team” and root for that team. THAT IS THE WORST WAY to watch a debate.

These are people who are trying to be the President of the United States.

They are going to be eye to eye with the most ruthless dictators and, I suspect, the most difficult economic problems we have ever faced.

I want someone to shine, to impress me, to rise above the rest.

I was so disappointed last week. There are plenty of reviews but I think most of the reviews missed the bigger points.

Most pundits are stuck in their own narratives. They get home and look in the mirror and ask out of insecurity, “Did I seem smart on TV tonight?”


Part of what I look for is: does the candidate sound like he’s talking sincerely? Or is this a prepared act? A pandering to the public?

It’s hard to be honest and transparent in such a high-stakes situation.

And whether they are honest and transparent, it’s almost as important to appear that way. So other world leaders take you seriously.

Kruschev didn’t take Kennedy seriously and that’s what led to the Cuban Missile Crisis and almost World War III.

Briefly, here are my thoughts.


His narrative: He wants people to see him as a natural successor to Obama. If that narrative succeeds, he wins.

With every question he reminds people of what the Obama Administration achieved and he takes credit for it.

He has righteous anger that is louder than everyone else’s, to stress how he is “the adult.”

BUT, he has a problem:

  • Obama doesn’t like him. Obama has even said it’s better to be a woman or younger now.
  • You can’t take credit for one policy, but also say you were secretly fighting for the issues you disagreed with Obama on. That looks like a loser. This is why Obama despises him and Biden senses it.

The problem with this narrative is that it focuses on Obama and not on issues.

This comes out in the debate when he focuses more on the solutions he “solved” from 2009–2017 and not on solutions going forward.

And his stutter has not been a lifelong problem, as he says. He needs to address this.


His narrative is simple. It’s black and white.

With every question: who is the most oppressed by the issues being presented?

This narrative is great. Because all of the solutions are immediate and short-term so people superficially think they will be helped right away.

I trust with Bernie that this narrative is not manipulative, regardless of whether his ideas are right or wrong.

He has truly believed in these issues for decades and has remained consistent.

The problem: The best of intentions often lead to the worst of problems.

The backing of student loan debt by the government since the 1940s and 1960s (great intentions) has now created the worst debt crisis we’ve ever seen for people in their 20s.

Social welfare programs are a mess to manage. Hence the need for solutions ranging from Obamacare to the most outrageous Libertarian solutions.

Bernie’s solution on student loan debt doesn’t fit his narrative… (I’ll explain why in the Andrew Yang section. Andrew Yang missed a chance that I felt was the reason he failed the debate).

And Bernie hammering the problem while not offering solutions (he’s assuming everyone knows his solutions) allowed for people like Biden to say, “It will cost $80 TRILLION!” and Bernie didn’t have an answer ready. (Meanwhile, Warren masterfully answered this attack from Biden so she could easily say, “No it won’t, issue over.”)

Also, Bernie is quirky. He has a better sense of humor than anyone on stage except for Yang.

Unfortunately, his humor is a bit of “old man.” His “I’m WHITE!” was horrible. He might have quietly lost all chances to be president on that one.

NOTE: This is not about who I want but about what actually happened.

And, the sad thing is: he looks old. And he has a bad accent (people don’t like that) and sometimes it feels like he is too mechanically pandering to progressives (his Israel opinion without a real solution).

Plus, too much old-man arguing between Biden and Bernie.

Nobody wants to see two cranky old men arguing.

Going negative is fine. But only losers are defensive. This is a critical thing most of the candidates and their advisors miss.


Her narrative:

  • I’m a progressive like Bernie but I’m more solution-focused
  • I’m a woman but not putting too much emphasis on that other than to show that I care more (which is a feminine stereotype but Warren uses it)
  • Short-term narrative: MAYOR PETE IS A HUGE THREAT!

She did pretty good in the debate. Her answers had solutions.

So when Biden said, “We can’t pay for that” she easily responded, “Sure we can.”

She also did some behind-the-scenes stuff in the debate that people should notice:

THIS IS IMPORTANT. I was impressed that Warren focused on this nuance.

Iowa is the first caucus.

I can’t remember the last time a well-organized candidate in Iowa (or New Hampshire) DID NOT win the nomination.

The only exception I can think of is 1968, when Robert F. Kennedy totally ignored the early primaries and would have won the nomination if he were not killed at the finish line.

2008 is a great example. Giuliani was the frontrunner in the polls at this time in the election.

He decided to skip Iowa and New Hampshire and focus on Super Tuesday, the day when the most delegates are selected.

This strategy bombed spectacularly.

This is the reason Bloomberg probably doesn’t have a chance.


Iowa is not an election; it’s a caucus. Essentially, active members of the party get together in small groups and select the candidate.

Historically, whoever has the most employees and volunteers in Iowa wins this important caucus.

At this moment, Buttigieg has the biggest organization in the state. Warren is No. 2. And Biden is a distant third.

This is why Biden is starting to scale up massively in the state.

BUT this is also why Warren broke with her previous “nice guy” policy for these debates and went on the attack.

She had to. Strategically, Buttigieg is her biggest obstacle in the short term.

Not frontrunner Biden… not Sanders, with whom she overlaps the most with on issues and thus has superficial reason to attack him… but Buttigieg.

Mayor Pete is her enemy right now. And her “wine cave” comments obliterated him.


VERY IMPORTANT RULE: If you find yourself defending yourself, you’ve already lost.

Pete defended himself. He lost the debate because of that. He came across as angry and “#winecavepete” started trending.

You CANNOT go on the defensive.

He had a prepared line about how Warren also “doesn’t pass the purity test.” But it came off as too pre-canned and because it was said on the defense (and she was ready for it), nobody paid attention.

The audience is an X-ray machine. They can see canned and will ignore it.


He should’ve reframed his attack to fit his narrative.

Simply say, “My solutions for this country are based on my decades of experience in the military, in public service, as an executive, as a mayor. The other candidates can bicker. But I focus on the solutions this country needs, not the politics of campaigning. We have to think bigger than petty insults to run a country.”

And then move on.

Instead, it turned into a bickering match and he lost more points than Warren.

This debate destroyed him. “Mayor Pete” has now turned into “Wine Cave Pete.”

Elizabeth Warren successfully pulled off a “Donald Trump linguistic kill shot.” Hat tip to Scott Adams for introducing the “kill shot” concept in his book “Win Bigly.”


Her narrative:

  • “Beat Trump” is the only issue. Solutions will take care of themselves after he is beaten
  • Underline her experience in legislation to show she can work with leaders.

Problems with this narrative: “Beat Trump” does seem to be, if not the No. 1 issue for the Democrats, at least the No. 2 issue.

The problem is, EVERY TIME you say the phrase, “Beat Trump,” the brain hears “Trump.”

Not sure this is a winning narrative but several of the candidates, particularly Klobuchar, have been running with it.

She’s doing the best she can with experience. Yes, she has a lot of experience as a senator.

But senators without executive experience (governor, military, vice president, CEO, even mayor) are just small cogs in a big machine.

To manage a country you have to… manage!

She needs to find some way to show she has what it takes to be an executive.

This past CENTURY, only two candidates have won without executive experience: Kennedy and Obama.

Both elections were run on the strength of their personalities, the symbolism they represented (youth vs. age, first African American), and they focused their message AS IF they were executives. (Kennedy ran on Russia’s military buildup. Obama was surprisingly effective in the final weeks of the election on helping Bush deal with the financial crisis, while McCain was surprisingly ineffective.)

Klobuchar has ZERO chance with her current narrative.

BUT the pundits say she was the biggest winner in this debate.

This shows me that pundits have no clue.

Here was the way she expressed her narrative during the debate:

“I passed this bill, this bill, this bill… beat Trump… this bill, this bill, this bill… Minnesota shows that I can beat Trump.”

The problem: yes she passed bills, but did any of them work?

We don’t know. Yes, Minnesota has many political groups (“beat Trump”) but who cares about Minnesota?

Not being cynical. That’s what 100 million voters actually say when they hear the word “Minnesota.”

Not once during the debates did she express a solution other than, “We need unity so we can beat Trump.”



Unfortunately, he doesn’t have one.

Because nobody even knows who he is and he is afraid to express it (he’s afraid to confront anti-billionaire bias), he has no real message.

IMPORTANT TIP for public speaking, debates, and even standup comedy: You must ALWAYS address the elephant in the room.

This is why, if you are throwing a party and someone drops a glass, it’s the your duty to clap (address the elephant in the room) and say, “Now it’s a party!” (diffuse the tension).

The fact that he didn’t prepare for the obvious (“I’m a billionaire”) shows me he’s terrified.

Tells me he doesn’t understand why he’s really running. And his lack of experience gives him no other authority on the issues.


Whether that is true, his entire campaign can flow from that message.

Result: Loser.

And finally (drumroll)…


If I have a “team,” it would be Yang.


Because I feel like I would like to hang out with him. That’s it.

It’s like I want to be friends with him and talk about the issues and even joke around with him. He’s also smart and it shows.

BUT… I was disappointed last week.

His narrative:

  • Focus on solutions to the tech overthrow of the economy (I personally don’t agree with the tech argument but I like his solutions anyway)
  • Keep the progressive wing with universal basic income (UBI — even though he is probably borderline Libertarian)
  • Don’t attack. Don’t get in the mud. Be very honest (since that is unique).

The best line was when he said, “If you have men in a room for a long time, they turn into morons.”

While this is ordinary conversation in the real world, it’s refreshingly different onstage.

His UBI, which he details on his site and in his book, is not just a dream — he outlines specifically how he would pay for it.

His fears of technology dominating jobs is a reasonable message: Invoke fear in the population and then solve that fear.

I don’t like fear mongering but it works. And I don’t agree with him but this narrative is working.

His UBI is progressive in that it helps members of every class in society.

He is funnier than the rest of the candidates. That means his best lines will be noticed.

Think of the best lines of the night:

  • Warren: “I’ll also be the youngest woman ever inaugurated.”
  • Warren: “Wine Cave Pete”
  • Yang: “Men are morons.”
  • Yang: “I’ll give everyone my book.”

And then the failure of the night from a humor perspective:

  • Sanders: “I”M WHITE!!!”

Think of 1988:

Lloyd Bentsen vs. Dan Quayle vice presidential debate.

Dan Quayle compared himself to John F. Kennedy (primarily because of looks).

Lloyd Bentsen said, “John Kennedy was a friend of mine. You, sir, are no John F. Kennedy.”

Nobody ever liked Dan Quayle again.

But… it was just a VP debate. The economy was great. Dukakis was a horrible campaigner. Bush was rising on Reagan’s massive popularity. Etc.

Yang’s unique non-political humor, his transparency, his eagerness to give everyone money, his clear IQ advantage over the other candidates, has given him an amazingly loyal and rabid fan base.

He doesn’t seem canned or like he’s acting.


After every debate, part of his narrative is, “They don’t let me speak!”

During the debate, #LetYangSpeak was trending on Twitter.

People buy into this narrative.

But… it’s not true!

If you want to speak, speak. Raise your hand. Interrupt.

Everyone else has done that during EVERY DEBATE IN HISTORY.

You will be facing the most ruthless leaders on the planet. You need to be forceful. To speak up. To not be intimidated or afraid.

He needs to raise his hand. He needs to show he cares. He needs to interrupt.

A classic example: A question was asked about student loan debt.

Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren debated, responded, debated their sides of the issue.

I kept begging the screen, “C’mon Yang, I KNOW you’ve got this.”

I WAS YELLING AT THE SCREEN. This is such a big issue for Yang.


Ugh! You got this. I know you do. Everyone who has read your book or listened to you knows you can crush Bernie, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!

I would have interrupted and said this if I were Andrew Yang (using Yang style of not attacking his opponents):

Eliminating student loan debt sounds great but does not help the people who need help.

The top 1/3 of the population has a degree or goes into a higher education program.

When you eliminate student loan debt, you are only helping the top 1/3 of society by using money from the bottom 2/3.

Not the people who really need help.

The guys building bridges, men and women who work in jobs that help every aspect of our lives, the homebuilders, the electricians, the plumbers.

We can’t just spend trillions helping the top 1/3 of society.

It takes us two steps backward as we try to pay for this top 1/3 of society.

My UBI, fully paid for by a VAT tax and other methods I’ve described, will help EVERY member of society as we move forward in this new technological age.

Good intentions sound nice. But the best solutions are when we can help the parts of society that need the most help as we transition into a new revolution in innovation. That’s what my policies uniquely do and why I need to be president.


The fact that Yang didn’t even move or speak on this issue he could’ve DESTROYED was very disappointing to me.

Again, a debate is not a sports event. You can’t root for your team to win.

You have to ask, “Which of these people have the fortitude to take the hardest job in the world?”

To qualify for that job, you have to raise your hand instead of just letting people walk all over you.


This debate was disappointing.

Nobody came out as qualified to be president.

I understand all the main narratives:

Experience (Biden), beat Trump (Klobuchar, Warren a little bit), help people (Sanders, Warren), prevent disaster (Yang), calm, diplomatic approach (Buttigieg).

But during the debate, none of the candidates effectively demonstrated their narrative.

They felt too rehearsed (Buttigieg and Klobuchar) and when you feel someone is doing an “act,” they become less sympathetic.

Or they got into fights (Buttigieg/Warren, Biden/Sanders) and that just looks like little kids slinging mud.

You have to go negative to win to some extent, but you have to do it with humor and step lightly, as opposed to doing it with vitriol, which looks ugly.

They focused too much on Trump, giving him a free ad.

They focused too much on their past accomplishments (Klobuchar and Biden) rather than looking forward.

Or they simply weren’t aggressive enough, and then complaining it wasn’t fair later (Yang).

Given the polarization and angst over the impeachment (in BOTH parties), the most serious issue in the Constitution, this was the time to demonstrate leadership.

This was the debate to show who could be president.

But this debate didn’t show it.

(NOTE: This is not partisan. I wish all the candidates had done well so we have real choices.]

The post The Democratic Disaster Last Week and How the Candidates Can Be Better appeared first on James Altucher.

from James Altucher via website design phoenix

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Most Important Article I’ll Ever Write About Investing

There was a church across the street from where I lived.

In the middle of a bad investing day, when my heart was pounding so bad I thought I would die, I would go to church.

It was always empty. I’d get as close as possible to the statue of Jesus. I would touch his leg. I would pray.

I would ask for a world that made sense. I would ask to be delivered from the nonstop pain of loss I was in. I would ask and ask and only a little bit would I offer to give.

I’m Jewish.

I wish I had someone to help me just a little bit so long ago. Maybe there might have been an easy way.

Nobody helped me. And I had no experience. And I made a lot of mistakes. And Jesus didn’t grant me my prayers.

I’ve been investing professionally now for 20 years. I’ve spent a lot of that time scared and addicted to anti-anxiety pills.

I’ve been a day trader, a venture capitalist, a hedge fund manager, I’ve invested in other hedge funds, I’ve invested in private companies, I’ve been a trader for a bank, and on and on.

I’ve written five or six books on investing and thousands of articles for the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, CNBC, Forbes, etc. I was a spokesperson for Fidelity.

I learned the hard way.

Since 2007, I’ve had a return of about 70% per year on money I’ve invested.

I started off very small and now it’s turned into a good amount.

Many people tell me they want to be an investor and I’m always surprised how little they want to work.

They want to do it because they think it’s the way to be free. And they are partially right. I wanted to be free also.

And I wanted people to like me.

But they want it to be easy. I don’t know. I wish I had had an article like this as a starting point.

Maybe I would know my children better.


Study the history of investing. The history of money. Where did it come from? When were the first exchanges created? Study all the bubbles.

Study modern investing. Why did the Great Depression occur? What was volatility like in the 1930s? In the 1960s?

What caused the recessions in the 1970s? What caused the market to rise and then crash in the ’80s?

What were the actual bubbles in 2000 and 2006–07 that then led to massive crashes. Note: the answers are NOT “the internet” and “housing.”

What are common features in every recession? In every bear market?

Studying the history of investing is studying the history of world psychology.

The world is mentally ill. And investors take advantage of that



Start with Warren Buffett. Then Bernard Baruch.

Then read Greg Zuckerman’s new book on Jim Simons. Read Ray Dalio’s “Principles.” Read about Jesse Livermore.

Carl Icahn. Jim Cramer. Victor Niederhoffer. Michael Milken. Charlie Munger. George Soros. Read all the Market Wizards books. Read about John Templeton, Peter Lynch, every investor you can find a biography of.

I give a little bibliography in point Z.

After you read each book, write down 10 things you’ve learned from each investor.

The other day I was watching a video called “The 5 best investors of all time.” It was awful and shocking to me.

I was surprised how little the four professional investors debating this question knew about the history of the people they were debating about.

Everyone wants to be called “smart.” But nobody stops and says, “You know, I’m actually pretty stupid.”


Because I didn’t go to business school, and I never worked at a bank or a hedge fund, I was never force-fed one particular style of investing.

Through studying and trial and error I had to learn each style and then figure out which ones worked for me the best.

Each style is the best style given certain conditions and at different times.

To truly understand investing you have to know all of the styles. Here are some:

  • Value investing
  • Growth investing
  • Merger arbitrage
  • Convertible arbitrage
  • Options investing (understanding the “Greeks”)
  • Private equity investing
  • Venture capital investing
  • Investing in bonds (muni, corporate, junk, govt, etc.)
  • Activist investing
  • Bitcoin
  • Commodities
  • Closed-end fund investing
  • Investing in special situations (spinoffs, secondaries, insiders -buying, stocks moving onto indices, etc)
  • Trade finance, investing in liens, venture debt investing, buying credit card debt, etc.
  • Country arbitrage (i.e., when Canada goes one way and the U.S. goes another, under what conditions will they “snap” together?)
  • PIPE investing
  • Micro-cap investing (and how it differs from buying larger companies)
  • Hedging


Understand basic accounting and how companies often scam investors.

Read about how to value a company. It’s more art than science but important to know.

To understand a stock, you have to understand how the underlying company is run and if it will be run well.

You have to understand the CEO and if he/she is good or bad. If you can, you should spy on the CEO.


Automation, genomics, marijuana, AI, Big Data, plant-based foods, energy, etc.

What does society need, what will it need five years from now, who is working on it?

There is a quick way to do this…


In 1966, Gordon Moore, one of the founders of Intel, predicted that computing power would double every 24 months.

Computing power was very tiny then. The computer that launched Apollo 11 to the moon had less power than a calculator.

But computing power has been doubling every 24 months since he made that prediction.

Investing in an industry that is doubling every X months will lead to huge wealth.

The computer/internet industry went from being in the tens of millions in value to the multiple trillions.

Some industries doubling or more every year or so: computers (still), genomics, solar power, data, AI, automation, etc.

Find as many “Moore’s Law” industries as possible, avoid the scams, and invest in the rest.


If you can, find an easy-to-use statistics package for testing out ideas.

For instance, what usually happens if the market goes down five days in a row? Or if Microsoft goes down five days in a row? What usually happens on a Monday if Friday was down?

What happens on days that Trump tweets more than five times?

There are thousands of questions you can ask the data. It helps to get a feel for the market.


People say things like, “There’s a resistance at $12 a share so if the stock hits there it should bounce. But if it doesn’t bounce it could go the next level of resistance at $6.”

In other words, “The stock could go up or down”.

I’ve tested out every technical analysis theory. None of them work.


By the time an article is in the Wall Street Journal or on CNBC, you’re the last investor to have learned the news.

News is a scam.

The entire purpose of “news” is to get you to look at ads. Not inform you.


You have no edge.

If you think the iPhone is great and you say, “I’m investing in Apple,” what makes you think you have an edge over the hundreds of hedge funds that have studied every phone on the market, have figured out every detail of the next five phones to be released, etc.?

You might get lucky. Or you might not.

It’s very hard for the average investor to find an edge. Warren Buffett gets an edge by doing deals directly with the company.

Big hedge funds find an edge by doing some form of insider trading or high-frequency trading where they skim dollars from you because they have wires going straight into the exchange.

Billions of dollars are spent every day subtly manipulating the market without regulators being aware of it.

Every day the market is manipulated illegally. Every day.

You don’t have an edge over those people.

How do you get an edge?


If a company misses earnings by two cents, often retail investors get scared and the stock collapses.

Ask, “Did it collapse irrationally?” This is one of the few times you might be able to get an edge.

Note: Most stocks collapse for rational reasons.


Stocks that are worth less than $1 billion.

These stocks are ignored by the news, they are ignored by banks, and they are often too small for the big hedge funds to research them.

They are also not in the big indices that have all the major funds following them.

Note that Warren Buffett made his first million only by investing in micro-cap stocks (look up “cigar butt stocks”).

The problem with micro-cap stocks is that many of them are either scams or are in industries with no real interest by investors.

So use the Moore’s Law technique above to find growing industries and the stocks in them. And do the research to make sure the stock is not a scam.

Even ONE RED FLAG (i.e., the CEO used to work for another company that went to zero) is enough to say, “I’m not going to invest.” NO RED FLAGS ALLOWED.

You can have an edge on small stocks but it’s still hard.


These are like mutual funds but they trade like stocks. Look it up. I can’t explain in detail.

Find the closed-end funds that trade below the added-up value of all of their assets.

For instance, a closed-end fund might have $100 worth of stocks but is trading for $90. Meaning you can buy up the entire company for $90 and liquidate it for $100 and make money.

Why do they do this? Study closed-end funds.

There’s often a good reason they are trading low but they are pretty safe and usually pay good dividends.


The less you invest in a company, the more you will make.

This is the most important rule on this list.

This doesn’t sound right and it doesn’t work for everyone.

But I know for me, I have a problem: If I invest a big percent of my net worth in one company, then I will obsess on it.

I won’t be able to sleep.

And as soon as it has a reasonable profit (or loss) I will get rid of it.

If I invest a SMALL amount and it starts to go up, I am more willing to sit on it for the entire ride and I will make more money.

This has happened to me again and again. The less I invest, the more I make.

I tend to invest only 1–2% of my net worth in any one investment.


Companies only go public when great investors no longer want to put money in.

The “public” is considered the MOST STUPID of investors.

This is why the initial investors in Uber made millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars but the people who bought when it went public are now losing money.

This is why the investors in WeWork were desperate to have it go public but this time people were ready.

How do you find good private companies?

Fortunately, more private companies than ever are being listed on crowdfunding sites like AngelList and Republic.



Pick your 20 favorite investors.

Use a website like J3SG to see what stocks your favorite investors are currently buying.

If you can buy the same stocks around the same price or lower then it’s an OK investment.

For instance, if Warren Buffett suddenly buys a stock like IBM, then it’s probably a good buy at the same price.

Buffett tends to hold for long periods of time so your edge over Buffett is that you can be more nimble.


  • The CEO has built and sold a company before
  • Other good investors are invested in the company
  • The company does not need to raise money for a long time.

This checklist is good for both public and private companies. For a private company it helps to add one more item:

  • Do they have any customers?


If you feel you’ve found a good investing opportunity, always ask, “Why?”

In the history of humans, the phrase, “I want to make James Altucher rich today,” has been said ZERO times.

If something is actually a good opportunity, then it should be long gone before you even know about it.

Figure out why you have an edge over everyone else in the world. Be brutally honest with yourself or you will lose money.

One time someone said to me, “We just need $50,000 to close this round and then Bill Clinton and George Soros are going to invest.”

Are you serious? Clinton is waiting anxiously by his phone? When it rings he’ll grab it and say, “DId James Altucher invest?”

There has to be a really good answer to “why me?”


Diversification 1.0 was: “Buy Exxon and Microsoft”.

One is oil and the other is tech. Now, those two stocks are no longer diversified. Most large stocks tend to move up and down as a group.

Diversification 2.0 was: “Buy bonds, gold, and stocks”.

Now this is not true. Bonds and stocks also tend to move as a group.

Diversification is to play multiple strategies that are independent of each other and independent of the economy.

An example diversified portfolio:

  • Some private companies
  • Some closed-end funds (for the dividends) that focus on municipal bonds
  • Micro-caps that are independent of the economy and each other
  • Real estate in foreign countries with great GDP growth where:
    • Housing prices have not caught up
    • Arbitrage situations (i.e., shorting Canada and buying the U.S. if the U.S. has gone down several days in a row and Canada has gone up several days in a row)
  • Peer-to-peer lending
  • Statistical arbitrage
  • Put selling on value stocks
  • Some growth investing (but keep investments small)
  • Investing in a basket of stocks owned by other great investors
  • Special situations

Note that I did not put Apple or Google or any big stock on this list. The average investor has zero edge on those stocks.


Day trading is mostly for idiots.

There are millions of algorithms working every day on the markets. How can you have an advantage over them?

There are strategies that work. But it’s a full-time job to play those strategies and you have to know them and really study them.

And you have to be younger than 40. Else you’ll die.


Some people put stop losses on a position.

This means if they buy a stock at $20, they may decide at $16 to sell it for a loss.

Don’t do that.

I’ve tested out every strategy using software I’ve written. In every case, the use of stop losses makes less money in the long run.

The key to sitting on your hands is to invest only a small amount in every investment.

The path to wealth is to have good investments that grow very big.

My best current investment right now is a stock I bought at ten cents for a tiny amount and now the stock is over $6.

If I invested too much I would’ve probably sold at 20 cents. Or I would’ve sold when it went from $10 all the way back to $3 before bouncing back to $6.

I put a “story stop” on my investments.

I buy because I like the story. If the story changes, I get out. For instance, if I buy because Warren Buffett just invested, then I am in until he exits.

If I buy because it’s a genomics stock and I think genomics is going way up, I sell if they fail every FDA trial they are in.


Buffett says the average holding period is “forever.”

He is lying.

Almost everything Buffett says is at least a small lie.

He’s afraid smaller investors will be more nimble than him.

BUT… most companies I own I will own for 5–15 years. I am in some investments right now I’ve been in since 2009.

People say investing is like gambling. This is sort of true. But the longer you hold something, the less it is like gambling and the more it is that you researched an industry and a company and are investing in the growth of both.

It takes a long time for a small company in a small but fast growing industry to reach its full potential.

Also, if a company is growing 20–50% per year or more, where else are you going to get that kind of return on your money? Keep the stock. Don’t take profits.

Again, this is why I keep initial position sizes low and I never double down.


I mentioned above that I’m up around 70% a year or more.

This is only on money I’ve invested. I started off very small and kept most of my portfolio in cash.

I still have most of my net worth in cash. This allows me to sleep at night, not sweat my investments each day.

And I have cash if I need it.

Good opportunities happen only two or three times a year on average.

So over the past 12 years, counting some exits that I’ve had along the way as well as some disasters, I’m in about 20 investments.

This past year I got into three new investments and I had no exits this year at all.


I invest in two types of opportunities:

1) SAFE: I am very risk-averse. It’s rare an investment comes along that is “safe.”

It’s usually some situation where for various reasons I can buy shares at a discount from people who need the cash.

Or it’s in a period like 2009 where everyone is scared.

2) HIGH RISK, HIGH REWARD: I like to invest in companies that I think I will make at least 1000% on or more.

This sounds ridiculous but this is why I only invest in a few opportunities per year.

This is why I don’t buy shares of Google. Maybe it goes up a little more than the market. Like 20–30% per year some years.

But it also can go down a lot. This is not good risk/reward for me even if I love the company.


Here are a few books that I think are fairly simple to read and will give a basic understanding of most of the above.

  • “Buffett” by Roger Lowenstein
  • “My Story” by Bernard Baruch
  • “The Money Game” by Adam Smith
  • “You Can Be a Stock Market Genius” by Joel Greenblatt
  • “The Big Short” by Michael Lewis
  • “The Man Who Solved the Market” by Greg Zuckerman
  • “The Rational Optimist” by Matt Ridley
  • “Hacking Darwin” by Jamie Metzl
  • “Zero to One” by Peter Thiel
  • “Fooled by Randomness” by Nassim Taleb
  • “Tools of the Titans” by Tim Ferriss
  • “Sapiens” by Yuval Harari
  • “A Man for All Markets” by Ed Thorp
  • “Famous First Bubbles” by Peter Garber
  • “Confessions of a Street Addict” by Jim Cramer
  • “Essays of Warren Buffett” by Lawrence Cunningham

This is a long way of saying, only do this if you love it.

I wish I had done something else. I’m happy where I am, I ended up doing OK, but I was so depressed for so long.

That depression damaged me. It’s a constant battle to not slip back.

Which is why I had to reinvent myself. Pursue other interests.

Even now, writing this, I just noticed I can’t see out of my right eye.

For the first time in years, I have a migraine.

The post The Most Important Article I’ll Ever Write About Investing appeared first on James Altucher.

from James Altucher via website design phoenix

Monday, December 16, 2019

Shake Things Up Every Day

“My boss came in and told me the police were waiting for me,” he said.

He was very political and I thought, as these things go, that the police maybe didn’t like his politics. He was from another country if that counts.

We were at breakfast. I didn’t know him too well and figured, OK, I can eat bacon and get to know him.

“Were you scared?”

“Would you be?”

I guess I would be. I don’t know why. I thought back to the one time the police asked to see me. It was 17 years earlier.

“I guess so.”

At first they said they were police. But when I let them in they took out their badges.


But that was a long time ago.

“My boss was pointing to the back and there was a guy there waiting for me. He was in plain clothes. Like an undercover detective.”

“What did he want?”

“He says, ‘Have a seat.’ I sit down. And then he said to me, ‘I’m your brother.'”

I didn’t quite understand. I wasn’t expecting this.

“He told me that there were four of us. Him, me, and two sisters. He told me that our biological parents separated all of us and we were adopted by different families.”

“Holy s***. Were you surprised?”

“I don’t know. I realized he looked like me and we just started talking and getting to know each other.”

“Do you still talk to him?”

“Every single week. And we met our sisters also. I had a whole new family.”

“How did he even find this out?”

My friend ate some of his breakfast. He smiled at me.

“Everyone always asks this exact question! But the answer is so obvious. I already told you he was a police detective! He researched himself and found out he was adopted and then the rest of the research showed him all of us.”

“This is incredible. You went from having no siblings to suddenly having a whole family.”

I was jealous. Not for the family. That could be more trouble that it’s worth.

But because life suddenly life can turn from routine to conspiracy so quickly.

I couldn’t imagine. What if someone told me all of a sudden that my entire life was different?

I did that 23andMe test. I had heard that many people found out their fathers were not who they thought.

I was kind of disappointed when I realized my father was my real father. I felt like I wanted something new.

Like I wanted my past to be a new gift I could unwrap.

But to have someone tell me I suddenly had three more siblings!

Just imagining it for a second made me feel more free. I wish I could recreate that feeling at will. To look around and see everything as if for the first time.

But my friend gave me a clue how to make that happen.

I asked him, “Did your life completely change after this?”

He thought about this for a second.

“Your life completely changes after everything that happens.”

The post Shake Things Up Every Day appeared first on James Altucher.

from James Altucher via website design phoenix

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

You Can’t Do That

“You can’t do that,” she told me.

Cindy was a VP in the marketing department.

I was on my way to see the CEO of HBO. I was a junior analyst programmer in the IT department.

A very exciting job. I made $40,700 per year. It was 1995.

I lived on a foam futon and shared a room with a chess hustler from Washington Square Park. The toilet only worked randomly.

I had one suit, which I kept in a garbage bag next to my futon and took it out every morning.

I was very popular with the ladies.

She said, “You can’t just walk into his office!”

The CEO was my boss’s boss’s boss’s boss’s boss’s boss.

People say “can’t” when they wish they could. Or something cliche and smart like that but not that.

I had an idea I wanted to tell him. If you can make original TV series on HBO, why not an original web series?

This was 1995.

He said, “Go for it.” So I did it. I did a web series called, “III:am” on HBO for the next three years and even shot a pilot for HBO.

I used that first idea to launch my first company. My first clients were and

Parents say “Don’t!” to little kids.

And sometimes people say “shouldn’t” when they don’t really know but they think they know better than you.

But if someone says “can’t” it’s at least worth a “screw you” to try to do it just a little bit. Why not?

It’s so worth it to just drive one person crazy.

At the very least it’s a story 23 years later.

It reminds me of this football play.

This quarterback shouldn’t! No he didn’t! No he won’t!

But he did.

To watch the video I made for this article, click below.

The post You Can’t Do That appeared first on James Altucher.

from James Altucher via website design phoenix

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Most People Are Evil Idiots. Now What?

You decide to plagiarize one of the most successful books ever.

You take a book that won the National Book Award and you retype it from scratch and pretend it’s yours.

You submit it to 20 publishers. You put a fake name on it.

100% of the publishers send back rejection letters. They hated it!

Two things strike you:

A) ZERO of the publishers realized they rejected a National Book Award winner

B) ALL of them thought the book was horrible. A book that had won the highest award.

This happened.

A freelance writer named Chuck Ross was curious.

He took the book “Steps” by Jerzy Kosinski, which had won the National Book Award for fiction in 1969, and decided to have some fun.

He rewrote the entire book and then submitted it to every publisher using a fake name.

Not only did every publisher reject it but even Random House, the publisher that actually published it, rejected it with a form letter.

The book has been compared to “Kafka at his best.” It’s a short, brutal book. One of my favorites. I highly recommend it.

Does this mean most people are idiots? Maybe.

It means:

  • Most people who have an opinion are probably wrong.
  • If people don’t know who you are, they are more likely to reject you.
  • Nobody wakes up and says, “Today is the day I make some unknown person a superstar!”
  • Most people don’t care about their jobs. Which is fine. But don’t rely on them for your success.
  • Even successful people don’t want you to skip the line. I always hear, “You have to pay your dues.” This is BS. It means:
  • You have to take control of your own career and opportunities.
  • You have a first book? Self-publish it. You have an indie movie? Load it up on Amazon. You have an idea for a radio show? Do a podcast.
  • You have an app you want to build? Don’t raise money. Save money and build it and get customers.
  • You want to be a movie star? Write your own script or shoot your own movie (i.e., Sylvester Stallone in Rocky).

Most people can’t be entrepreneurs or creatives. Don’t believe anyone who says everyone can be an entrepreneur.

They are lying.

Most people can’t handle nonstop rejection and the anxiety and depression that comes with it.

I’ve been so depressed so many times. It really hasn’t been worth it, to be honest.

It’s a catch-22 because in order to be good, you have to be unique. In order to be unique, nobody will know you. And nobody does favors for the unknown.

Dr. Seuss’ first book was rejected 27 times. “Too different from other juveniles on the market to warrant its selling,” wrote one top editor.

Harry Potter was rejected by every publisher until the 7-year-old daughter of one publisher begged her father to publish it.

If Moses wrote the 10 Commandments today, he’d be rejected by every publisher and probably give up. I would if I were him.

Even 50 Shades of Grey started off self-published.

It sold 250,000 copies on Amazon and still was rejected by many publishers. Amazon’s in-house publisher rejected it.

Finally Simon & Schuster published it. It sold over 125 million copies.

Don’t trust anyone. Don’t listen to anyone. Ignore them.

Either give up or go around the gatekeepers.

So I did an experiment:

I took 50 Shades of Grey and hired someone in India to take a thesaurus and change every word in the book.

For instance, “She hurried to her tests” became “Brenda rushed to get to the exams on time.”

I used a fake name, changed the title, made a book cover and uploaded it to Amazon. It’s now a published book.

It’s EXACTLY 50 Shades of Grey but with every single word changed, sentence by sentence. Maybe… just maybe… I was hoping it would also sell a lot of copies.

It sold about 80 copies. It’s a piece of s***.

But it cost me about $200 in total and two hours of my time. It was an experiment.

Why did 50 Shades of Grey sell so well? What did E.L. James do? Doing my failed experiment forced me to learn.

Why did “50 Shades” succeed?

  • She had a platform. She probably had about a million people following her Twilight fan fiction on various fan fiction websites.
  • 50 Shades of Grey came out around the same time the Kindle was getting popular. So people could read her soft-core porn book in public without anyone seeing what they were reading. Avoiding the stigma.
  • It was unique.

She had a platform. And technology and timing were just right. But she would never know that unless she had experimented, built a platform, wrote her own book without “permission,” and self-published.

Good for her.

This is not about self-publishing. This is not about how people are stupid (well, it is a little).

This is about not waiting for permission.

This is about doing experiments with everything you care about.

And from every experiment you will learn. There’s no other way to learn.

A billion people are standing in the way of what you want to do.

Stupid people, mean people, people who hate you, people who don’t want you to get ahead. People who will even sabotage you.

People who are frustrated in their own lives, dealing with their own problems, sad, anxious, fearful.

Experiment with how to get around them. Every day. It’s not their fault. But that doesn’t matter. You have to go around them.

You have to experiment every single day.

I’m doing another experiment right now. I am loving this experiment. So far, over three million people have seen this experiment.

It’s not really working the way I expected. But we’ll see. It’ll probably fail. But I’ve stopped caring.

The post Most People Are Evil Idiots. Now What? appeared first on James Altucher.

from James Altucher via website design phoenix

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Thanksgiving When I Lied to Thousands of People

The first Thanksgiving that I spent alone was right after I separated from my wife.

By the end of that day I experienced: fear, loneliness, lying to thousands of people, and enjoying it.

I woke up and I imagined my kids saying, “Is Daddy going to be with us?” They were tiny still. They didn’t know.

My sadness was bottomless, thinking of them going to Thanksgiving at their aunt’s, asking, “Where’s Daddy?”

That’s when I put an ad on Craigslist.

I don’t like when people say what they are grateful for on Thanksgiving.

When I do that it feels like taking out the garbage only one day a year.

It’s also a cliche to say, “You should be grateful every day.”

Who cares? Nobody cares. I don’t care what people are grateful for. Life is hard. It’s difficult to just make it through.

Reminding ourselves to be grateful is a mean trick. It’s self-hypnosis to make it through another one of these days. These mean days.

I’m looking at a Christmas tree right now. It’s beautiful.

I wrote this Craigslist:


I recently had a bike accident and I went into a coma. When I got out of the coma I suddenly could see the future. On this day, send me an email and I will answer any questions.

The day before, my friend Lisa asked me to come to her house for Thanksgiving. I said yes.

But then she called me later and said she couldn’t invite me.

Her daughter looked me up and said, “Mom! Why are you always inviting over guys who are married?”

“But I’m separated,” I said.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

I went out to a diner. Almost to spite myself I ordered the turkey sandwich.

Believe it or not, I thought to myself that one day this would look good in a story. To say I had a turkey sandwich in a diner on Thanksgiving day.

The waitress had served me dozens, maybe hundreds (who can even count events like this?), of times. For 10 years maybe I had a crush from her from afar.

I say maybe so as to not seem like a dirtbag.

I said, “Why aren’t you home on Thanksgiving?”

She answered a different question: “This is my last day here.”

After all this time. This was the first conversation I’d had with her.

“Where are you going?”

“I got my degree,” she said, “so next week I start teaching at a school for little kids.”

“Wow,” I said. “That’s really great. Good luck.”

I finished my sandwich and went home.

I had 300 or more emails waiting for me. All from people responding to my Craigslist ads.

“I have a crush on my boss but he’s married. What should I do?”

“I’m trying to figure out what I should do with my career. Can you see what I will do next? Do you think I will be an actress?”

“My boyfriend and I have been dating for seven years. I want to have a baby. Do you think I will get married to him?”

On and on. I only looked at the emails from women. Why not? Who was going to accuse me?

I responded to each one. I gave answers that I thought were best but I also said, “I don’t need psychic powers to answer this. I’m just answering from the gut.”

When people asked me if I was really psychic I said no. I also asked several women if they wanted to have a drink that night.

All of them said no.

I like to practice solving what I call “difficult gratitude problems.”

A difficult gratitude problem is going broke and losing my home and family.

Another difficult gratitude problem is being stuck in traffic when you’re late for an important meeting. A meeting that can change your life.

Difficult gratitude problems can be very big or very, very tiny.

I could get upset and say, “Ugh, this is my luck to be stuck in traffic on today of all days!” I could get upset and feel like nothing good will ever happen to me.

Or I could solve the problem. It takes two steps:

A) RECOGNIZING that I am in the middle of a difficult gratitude problem rather than getting sucked into the vortex of anxiety and self-pity.

B) The SOLUTION. Like in this case saying, “I’m grateful I live in a city with so many opportunities that everyone else wants to be here, wants to go to meetings, causing the traffic I am in. What a wonderful place to be.”

Does it help? I can say yes. Because when I get to the meeting, it’s as if the dust in the attic is swept clean.

Everywhere I look I see the opportunity instead of the problem. I see the hope instead of the fear. The person I’m meeting I see as “friend” instead of “enemy.”

Every day I have difficult gratitude problems. I try to solve them.

It feels like practice.

For eight straight hours, I responded to emails. This was in 2006. I made Facebook friends with some of them.

I realized how happy I was helping people. Was I helping them?

Probably not. But it felt like it. Who was I to help people? I was on the floor of a hotel room on Thanksgiving having just eaten a turkey sandwich in a diner.

But it’s fun to connect. It’s fun to reach out through the ether and find other people abandoned on their lonely islands, sending out smoke signals to whomever can see them and respond.

In the years after, I’ve tried doing that ad again but it never seems to get any response.

But it did that day. And it lifted me from my grave. I had solved my difficult gratitude problem that day.

I’m still Facebook friends with many of these people from that day.

Several times after, in the next 13 years, I felt such despair that I didn’t know if I would live.

So many horrible things happened. So many Thanksgivings.

Difficult to picture what the next day would look like. Blackness.

I went to sleep that night, 13 Thanksgivings ago, and I was happier than when I woke up.

At that moment, suddenly everything became clear.

The post The Thanksgiving When I Lied to Thousands of People appeared first on James Altucher.

from James Altucher via website design phoenix

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How to Lose Friends and Not Influence People

“He beat his wife to the point where her face was split open,” our friend told us at lunch.

“Then they called a private doctor who came over to the house to sew up his wife’s face.”

I was having a hard time picturing it.

“How do you know?” I asked.

“I spoke to the doctor. I spoke to the wife.”

At the time I was good friends with him and had been for five or so years. We had both helped each other out in various situations. Life-changing situations.

I didn’t understand what it meant, “her face was split open.” It all seemed unbelievable.

“When the doctor came over and saw the wife, she told the wife, ‘Either you leave him or I am telling everyone.'”

My friend was fairly well known and was up for a big position in government. This is why they had called the private doctor.

“The wife told her husband what the doctor said. He then called the doctor’s husband and using a fake voice, he said the doctor was cheating on him. He also used fake accounts at various online cafes around the city to post negative reviews of the doctor at her hospital. Then he called the doctor and said, ‘I am known to do things to people who try to harm me.'”

I couldn’t believe all of this. It seemed not true. And yet, my friend had no reason to lie to me.

I was with another friend of mine.

She was shocked. She often wrote articles about feminism and couldn’t believe that this person who she knew and trusted was so despicable.

I stopped talking to the guy. We had been in various email discussions and we often saw each other.

I immediately stopped responding to everything.

He even wrote me and said, “Why are you not responding?” He wrote me again, “Did I do something?? Why don’t you respond?”

But I never responded to that. I heard later he started trashing me behind my back afterwards but I didn’t care.

He got divorced. He had to withdraw from the job he was being considered for. He left another prominent and public-facing job.

I never spoke to him again.

A few months later, I ran into my friend who was with me when we first heard this story.

She told me she had been corresponding with the guy and he was helping her find a job.

“How can you let him help you? And you don’t need his help. You heard what Q. said about him.”

“But he’s always been loyal to me and I am a loyal friend. I want to be loyal back. He’s been good to me.”

“He hit on you while he was married and then he told his staff what he was going to do to you if he ever went out with you.”

“I don’t know if that’s true.”

“You’re the one who told me that!”

“Still,” she said, “he was good to me and gave me opportunities and I want to be loyal.”

“But how can you say you are a feminist? He beat his wife and then threatened the woman who sewed her up.”

“I can’t talk about this anymore.”

So my friend and I never spoke again.

To this day he says things about me behind my back. He’s very upset at me because I simply stopped talking to him.

Maybe I could’ve reacted better. Done something.

I hear the most insane stories all the time. Every day.

The world is a scary place when you peel just one layer away.

My father had a mental breakdown in 1988. I guess that’s what you call it.

He started crying all the time. In the middle of a grocery store. Out at lunch. While playing chess with me.

He would listen to music all day. For the last 17 years of his life, he was permanently depressed.

When I was a kid he told me the only important thing in business is to be honest. And then he went broke when he was ripped off by the people he was closest to.

I follow his advice.

I lose friends because of this advice. I say things people get upset about. And it’s hard to know what the truth is sometimes.

And then I don’t always know how to act on the truth. I do my best.

But still.

The post How to Lose Friends and Not Influence People appeared first on James Altucher.

from James Altucher via website design phoenix

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Why Colleges Are Going Down the Drain: A True Story


Her college sent this email to me and my daughter at the end of her second year.

Dear [X],

This in an IMPORTANT email reminding you of your debt to [ABCD College] in the amount of $16.92!

This amount is your damage fee you were assessed back in May.

It is VERY important that you submit payment in full as SOON as possible to insure your debt is not assessed further finance fees/late fees or WORSE… go off to a COLLECTION AGENCY the end of SEPTEMBER.

I would HATE for your debt to go off to a collection agency or ATTORNEY, which would cause you harm, so if you would like to call me and discuss possible payment plan arrangements I’m willing to help.

Please contact me ASAP!!

What? I thought. Cause her “harm”? Send to an attorney? Payment plan for $16.92?

A collection agency on my daughter? Would they really “hate” to do that?

Coincidentally, they had just called me the day before, asking for a donation.

What did she do?

So I wrote back, reminded them they asked me for a donation just the day before.

And I asked them what she damaged that cost $16.92. She would certainly pay.

I also reminded them of the $132,000 she had already paid for her education there and reminded them they should take that into account before threatening to ruin her credit.

They wrote back that they don’t know what the damage was and would ask the facilities department for a “detailed assessment.”


Dear [College]:

I look forward to seeing your detailed assessment.

At 5’1″ my daughter is known to cause quite a lot of damage wherever she goes.

I would keep in mind, though, your overall standards for sending out a communication like your earlier one demanding $16.92 “ASAP” or you would be forced to report her to an “attorney” or “collection agency.”

Those standards should take the following into account (my suggestions):

A) DONATION: You asked me for a donation yesterday
B) TUITION: She has spent $132,000–140,000 all in
C) HER OTHER OPTIONS: Your school has the same tuition as Harvard despite a faculty/student ratio of 9:1 versus 6:1 at Harvard.

Given you are spending less on education and facilities, your email underlines the question: WHAT ARE YOU SPENDING THE MONEY ON?

D) COMPARISONS: I took a similar college, with similar tuition, located close to you.

Franklin & Marshall College – average salary two years after graduation: $46,000.

Average salary two years after your school: $44,300.

The national median is $50,200.

Not that it’s all about the money but 70% of students say salary is their first consideration for post-college employment.

E) Your post college employment rate at 92% is also lower than the employment rate for adults WITHOUT A HIGH SCHOOL DEGREE (94.4%).

And there are no details, no documentation, no due process, and your messaging doesn’t seem aligned with your wish for more donations from me, etc.

Thanks very much,

-James Altucher


They wrote back:

Mr. Altucher,

Your daughter was charged a community damage charge that included all students on her floor.

The microwave on the floor was damaged and needed to be replaced.

Her portion of the overall charge was $16.67.

Thank you,

I wrote:

Thanks for this.

Do you have the receipt?

By the way, you said $16.92 earlier and now $16.67. Why the difference?

When are you reporting this to an “attorney”?

She will pay.

Please see my prior email. Your note says you value all feedback. I look forward to hearing from you.

– James Altucher

The college wrote back:

Mr. Altucher,

Facilities Management lists their costs on the website. Below is a link to those prices.


I clicked on the link.

They charged her floor $250 for the microwave.

The average microwave on Amazon is about $60.

So I wrote, “Thanks,” and paid.


This year she did NOT go back to college for her junior year.

She found a job related to her passion and also a valuable internship. She has made friends.

She refused to use my connections to get her a job.

She is using money from her job to get an apartment with roommates.

She is learning.

I am a very proud father.

The college has a brand new microwave.

The post Why Colleges Are Going Down the Drain: A True Story appeared first on James Altucher.

from James Altucher via website design phoenix

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My New Gambling Addiction: Betting on the News

Newspapers are evil. Ten years ago I decided, every time I want to read, I’d read a book instead of a newspaper.

Not to be snobbish. But newspapers are just full of sh*t. I know. I wrote for five of them.

People say to me, “That’s stupid. How do you get informed?”


I’m a firm believer that the best way to make the world a better place is to become a better person.

Be kind to the people around you, be healthy, be creative, and don’t waste energy trying to control the things you can’t control.

But now I have a better way to get informed. A more fun way.

I gamble.

I log onto

It’s a prediction market.

You can buy “shares” in world events.

For instance, “Will Donald Trump win the presidency in 2020?”

Right now you can buy shares of “Yes” to that question for 41 cents. If Donald Trump wins, you will get 100 cents for every share you own.

So if you buy 1,000 shares today for 41 cents, you spend $410. If Donald Trump wins, you will get $1,000 deposited into your account. You will gain $590.

But even better, you don’t have to wait until the end of the bet.

Like a stock in the stock market, you can sell your shares at any point.

So if it looks like Donald Trump is moving up in the polls, then shares of “Yes” will tick higher. Maybe if he doesn’t get impeached, the shares will go to 50 cents and you can sell for a 25% gain even before the first primary.

Because I just started, the maximum I could deposit was $1,000.

I started looking at all the questions. And then something interesting happened.

I got addicted. And I became informed.

Every time I placed a bet, I’d have (as Nassim Taleb would call it) “skin in the game.”

Since I had money on the line, I wanted to learn more.

I didn’t read newspapers but I did my research. I never once went to an online newspaper.

Below I describe the bets I currently have and why I made them.

Then I summarize what I feel are the rules for good gambling (in stocks, in a casino, in a prediction market like this).

For instance, Rule #3: Keep emotions out of it.

Here are my bets:


I didn’t make this bet but considered it.

In the Constitution, if the Senate has a tie vote, the vice-president comes in and breaks the tie.

“2 or fewer” would cost me 87 cents a share.


So far, he’s done none in 2019. He did quite a bit in 2018 so on that basis it is possible he could do more than two in the next 2.5 months. 87 cents seems fair.

Any more info I can gather? I looked up all the votes in the Senate so far in 2019. I used

Most votes in the Senate have been pretty partisan, meaning Republicans all vote together and Democrats all vote together. If this remains the case, Pence will have ZERO tiebreakers

Almost all the tie-breakers by Pence involved nominations for obscure government jobs or judgeships.

I looked up all the nominations pending. Nothing seemed controversial.

But… impeachment could change all of this.

87 cents seemed fair and I didn’t really see where I had an unfair advantage. Plus I didn’t want to tie up 87 cents for every dollar.

No bet.


I bet “No” for 67 cents.


When I bet, she was (maybe she still is) the frontrunner.

I looked back to 2016, 2008, 1992, 1988 (Democrats), etc.

Whoever the frontrunner was before the primaries often had a lot of trouble staying consistently the frontrunner.

Even Clinton in 1992 had to deal with scandals. And Barak in 2008 was not the frontrunner at this time. Nor was Trump in 2016.

All the fire is aimed at the frontrunner.

My plan is to take this bet off either after Iowa or New Hampshire, depending on how Warren does.

I bet 67 cents on “No.” Currently I am up (shares trading for 73 cents).

I could sell now for a 10-cent profit but I think “Working Class” Warren with a $12 million net worth will have some difficulties in Iowa.

[Again, keep emotions out of it.]


Andrew Yang is a long shot in the polls but he’s been gaining, going from 1% to more than 3% to even 5% in many states.

I bet 9 cents. With shares trading at 7 cents, I am down.

Still, I bet slightly higher on this than on Warren because I thought he would uptick after the last debate. He didn’t.

I still think he might uptick because he has raised so much more money than expected.

After the next debate I may take this bet off.


I don’t know anything about Brexit, other than that everyone has different agendas and nobody is agreeing.

Brexit refers to the British plan to leave the European Union.

Boris Johnson has staked his reputation on getting out of the EU by 11/1. Hence this timeline on the bet.

I bet “No” for 73 cents and it’s currently at 77 cents, so I’m a little up.

But it’s been a wild ride (I bet a little over a week ago).

My assumption was politicians don’t really care when they “stake their reputation,” so his promise was meaningless.

Northern Ireland and Great Britain have the exact opposite agendas. Ireland is historically a trade-free zone, but if Great Britain suddenly does not become a trade-free zone with the EU, that could affect the economy.

So my guess is that this is impossible for the U.K. Parliament to agree on easily, particularly since (as my research told me) Johnson’s coalition doesn’t have the majority of votes in Parliament.

He did come up with an agreement that the EU agreed with.

So I was way down on my bet for a few days until the U.K. Parliament demanded an extension to making a deal.

Now I am slightly up, with 10 days left.

He can also illegally take the U.K. out of the EU in what is called a “no-deal” Brexit.

This would be illegal and Parliament does not want this to happen.

BUT, I hedged…


I paid 10 cents for “YES”.

This is a hedge. There’s a slight chance Parliament will not back Brexit but Boris Johnson will pull the U.K. out anyway to keep his promise.

Hence, a no-deal exit. I have 10 cents on the downside and 90 cents on the upside.

I have 27 cents on the upside that there will be no Brexit at all by 11/1.

It’s looking like the only way for a Brexit to happen is if Johnson does a no-deal exit. Then I win 90 cents per share and lose 73 cents, winning 17 cents per share on a total 83 cents bet. A return of 20% in just a few weeks.

I knew nothing about Brexit before any of this. It’s the thrill of the hunt that forced me to get informed.


I paid 44 cents for shares of “No.” Currently trading at 54 cents so I am about 24% up in a few weeks.

Again, this has nothing to do with personal opinions or agendas.

I think I have an unfair advantage in that many people are betting their emotions.

But, still, it forced me to understand the laws a bit better.

1) Trump claims that the House is acting against the Constitution because they did not vote for an official impeachment inquiry as they did in 1998, 1973, and 1868.

Trump is wrong. The Constitution doesn’t specify how an impeachment inquiry can begin.

But, since there is a precedent, this might slow things down if the House wants to step carefully.

I am making the bet that this confuses the issue enough to bring it into 2020, in which case I win the bet.

2) An impeachment is not a legal hearing. It’s not due process. It’s totally partisan.

But it’s dangerous for it to be partisan.

It could show that whenever the House has a majority that’s different from the party of the president, then impeachment is possible.

So they try to make it as legal as possible.

They have to show there’s a reasonable case for a “high crime and misdemeanor” (a term that has never been defined on purpose).

The question is: Was there a “quid pro quo” in the president’s phone call with the Ukrainian president?

I don’t know the answer. But we do know a few things:

a. There was never a point where Trump said, “If you do this I’ll do this.”

b. The Ukrainian president, at the time of the call, never even knew that $400 million in military aid was being held back. So no quid pro quo was even possible unless he knew the aid was in jeopardy.

c. The more the House pushes on this issue, the more it seems to be hurting Biden’s chances for president.

d. The House is afraid to repeat a Newt Gingrich-style backlash that happened after Clinton’s impeachment (although Clinton’s approval ratings were higher).

e. Pelosi now is bringing back Putin as a possible reason to impeach, which shows me she’s not as confident anymore in her original reasons for impeachment.

Remember, this is not “Should Trump be impeached?” Nor is this, “Will he be impeached?”

Emotions are not part of this.

I wouldn’t bet on “Will Trump be impeached in 2020?”

Technically, the House can hold a vote today and impeach him.

But for the reasons described above, my guess is they won’t do that before December 31.

They are going to take time trying to build a super solid case. And my guess is, they won’t do it by January 1.

That said, this issue is holding steady. I bet 44 cents a share on a “No” and it’s currently trading at 52 cents.

I’m slightly up but it seems random at this point. Once 2020 gets closer this will start to trade like a stock option and will be much more volatile.

My theory is that starting November, every day there is no impeachment will send shares of this bet higher and I will get out of it by mid-November around 60-70 cents.


I hate this bet because I bet 84 cents on “No” and so can lose the entire 84 cents immediately if she even files an exploratory committee with the Federal Election Commission.

Still, the fact that we are almost at the Iowa caucuses, questions about her health, and the recent back and forth with Tulsi Gabbard (showing she doesn’t have a unified base in the Democratic party, which would put her at risk of losing primaries) makes me think she wants to be kingmaker more than king.

I don’t think this is a good risk/reward bet. But I think I’m safe until Iowa.

Once the Iowa caucus happens and we inch towards a clearer view of the primaries, my guess is this will go from 84 cents to 90+ cents and I will take the bet off.


I bet 7 cents a share on Stephen Breyer. Currently flat on the trade.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is first at 74 cents, which is maybe reasonable based on her age (86) and recent health issues.

Stephen Breyer is 81 years old, so on actuarial tables alone, he has about a 19% chance of dying in the next year.

This is a morbid way to look at it and he has no known health issues, nor do I want him to die.

BUT… 7 cents compared to actuarial odds of 19% seems like a wide spread.

So I made this bet, expecting to lose, but for a 7-cent bet and 93-cent upside (1,350%) it’s not an unreasonable bet to make given the statistics.

It’s not about winning every bet but having high expected value.

5% GDP GROWTH IN 2020?

The rules on this one: “Real” growth (subtracting out inflation) of at least 1.25% (5% annualized) for at least one quarter between now and the end of 2020.

I bet “Yes” for 10 cents. Currently down at 8 cents.

I like these bets with lopsided risk/reward (10-cent bet to win a 90-cent profit).

I have many ways to win between now and the end of 2020.

First off, it’s been over five years since we’ve had that kind of growth in the economy. In Q3 of 2014 there was 5.5% annualized growth. The last few quarters have been roughly 2%, 3%, 1%.

So why make this bet?

A) The lobsided risk/reward. If I simply have the odds of 5% growth that we’ve had over the past 20 quarters (two out of the 20, making 10 cents a reasonable amount per share) then my bet is a fair bet but not a no-brainer bet.

B) We’re going into an election year so Trump will, legally or illegally, do everything he can to make people feel like the economy is doing great.

We’ve already seen him do this in three ways:

1) Tax repatriation: Incentives for corporations to bring back cash they have abroad. Typically companies don’t want to do this because there are tax consequences.

But in recent tax bills, these penalties have been greatly reduced and hundreds of billions of dollars have come back to the U.S.

This money will get spent over the next 18 months.

With a GDP of $15 trillion and a potential for hundreds of billions to be spent, this alone could cause GDP to blip above 5%

2) Bank deregulation: Local banks have been deregulated this past year. Meaning they can lend out more money.

In the past year, according to the Federal Reserve database, since this deregulation has occurred, it seems like the money supply has increased. If this continues, I think we’ll get close to 5%.

Again, we just have to get close in the next six months and my bet should be in the money and I can take it off.

If, by chance, a surprise number hits and we surpass 5% in a quarter, then I take 100 cents off.

3) Rate cuts: Due to (possibly illegal) pressure from Trump, the Fed has been cutting rates.

With low rates, there is less incentive for people to keep money in the bank, so they spend.

The more they spend, the higher GDP goes. Consumer spending data is released every month. If I get one good month, my bet will be in the money and I may take all or part of it off.


I love games. So instead of reading boring newspapers, I’m making the news a game.

The key to good betting is not to be right all the time, but to have a strategy where the “expected value” of your bets in the long run is positive. [See Annie Duke’s book “Thinking in Probabilities” for more on this and listen to my podcast with Annie.]

I love the idea of these prediction markets because it lets me be competitive, stay informed, and practice that gambling muscle without too much risk.


A) Understanding statistics

B) Information is power (this is how you get an unfair advantage)

C) Removing emotions

D) Focusing on expected value more than winning each bet. For instance, I don’t expect to win the Supreme Court bet but my odds have a higher expected value than the size of my bet

E) Understanding psychology. People feel very emotional towards Trump, impeachment, etc. So my guess is the bet odds are skewed as a result

F) Having fun. Else, what’s the point?

Maybe the world is one giant information stock market.

Based on information, you invest time, money, opportunities.

Or maybe I’m just an addict.

The post My New Gambling Addiction: Betting on the News appeared first on James Altucher.

from James Altucher via website design phoenix

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Altucher’s Book Club: How to Live to the Age of 200

When you land in Dallas, they hand out conspiracy theories at the airport.

JFK was shot in the throat. Then shot in the head. But who did it?

On the Uber from the airport, the Uber driver told us, “JFK switched his route at the last minute so THEY called ahead to see if anyone was around to shoot the president.”

Really? Lee Harvey Oswald just happened to pick up the phone and say, “I’ll do it!”

Weird also that if you Google “The Grassy Knoll” in Dallas, there are actually 298 reviews on Google Maps. Who reviews a bunch of weeds?

Outside my hotel room I saw the X that marked the spot JFK was shot. I walked over there to find out more.

There was a guy who had maps, diagrams, videos. He explained the #truth to me.

“Three shooters, none of them were Oswald, and the FBI was using the mafia to get the job done. Lee Harvey Oswald was having lunch at the time. He didn’t do it.”<

All of this is to say: if you want to live longer, don’t be president of the United States

BUT DO read this week’s book club recommendation.

In this video, I describe exactly what parts of the book I am now personally using.

I don’t care if I live to be 200. But I do care that I have quality of life. Life should be fun, if at all possible.

(Click the image to watch the video.)

The post Altucher’s Book Club: How to Live to the Age of 200 appeared first on James Altucher.

from James Altucher via website design phoenix

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The 13 Things I Regret Not Telling Her

“Playing with your kids will make you feel better,” my mother told me. My grandmother told me, “Play with your daughters. It will calm you down.”

I had been depressed for precisely 19 months at that point.

I couldn’t get out of bed in the morning. I was four months away from going broke.

I would walk my daughter to the park after the market closed. Her tiny legs would get tired as the sun left one purple blister still in the sky.

Can I reach back in time right now?

Can I lift up my hand, weighed down by terror? Can I lift her again and carry her home?

Her 3/4-inch fingers, curled in anticipation. Can I reach back in time and feel the tops of those fingers?

I can’t.

Did playing with her help me?

It didn’t.

One night there was hail outside and it sounded like bullets. I woke up and my daughter was standing in the dark next to my bed.

“I can’t sleep,” she said.

Her mind was racing. We walked downstairs. We sat on the couch. I told her a story.

How I also often wake up at night, my brain a slushy mess.

I’m sorry, I wanted to say.

I was so tired. I wanted to go back to sleep. “Lie in bed,” I told her, “and count to 100.”

And I’d sit there with her and watch her eyes close and her mouth whisper out the numbers.

Sometimes she’d fall asleep.

But this night, this night I remember, we both stayed up and listened to the hail. Wondering what would happen next.

Things I wish I had told her when she was young (things I wish someone had told me):

  • FLY KITES as much as possible. While they are in the air, the ground will feel far away.
  • NEVER read the newspaper. The people you love, the things you care about, can’t be found there.
  • DON’T OUTSOURCE your self-esteem to others. It’s hard enough for them to manage their own, let alone yours.
  • SAY NO to things you don’t want to do. Else, you are just working out the terms of your slavery.
  • FREEDOM is something you can have right this second. The prison door is open. But if you don’t leave, then this moment is in chains forever.
  • DIVERSIFY everything in your life, including the people you listen to for advice. Including me, your father. Especially me.
  • LEARN lots of games. They turn you into a hard-core killer without you ever having to hurt someone. They are glimpses into other worlds when this world is on fire.
  • NEVER LISTEN to anyone who says, “You can’t do that!” Those are the people who can’t do it.
  • LAUGH at the little things. So you can learn to laugh at everything.
  • LIFE GOES BY FAST, but there’s no rush. You have to put on a parachute before you jump out of a plane.
  • PREPARATION is the key to having good luck. People will spitefully accuse you of “luck.” They will resent it. Try to ignore them.
  • KINDNESS to others is the best way to be kind to yourself.
  • EXPERIMENT every day to uncover the hidden. Creativity is the invitation into the extraordinary.

I woke up last night and there was a storm but no daughter. I missed comforting her. The past 20 years I missed so much.

There’s going to be a day when she has to do it, this, all on her own. This thing. This life.

A night when she wakes up and everything in her brain is rushing, speeding, burning.

Without anyone to sit quietly next to her. To breathe with her to 100.

While her mind speeds faster than she ever thought possible.

The post The 13 Things I Regret Not Telling Her appeared first on James Altucher.

from James Altucher via website design phoenix

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Good or Bad: Monogamy

Strong opinions are like a disease. You get one, then your friends get the same one (else, according to the rules of groupthink they are no longer friends) and so on.

I hate opinions. There always seems to be someone smarter than me who has the opposite opinion.

But I’m skeptical. And I like to know things. And think. And learn. And study. AND be entertained. And laugh.

I’m launching a new podcast soon with my friend and bestselling author A.J. Jacobs called GOOD or BAD.

We take topics—dogs, monogamy, cars, government, billionaires, tipping, democracy, cosmetic surgery, etc.—and argue:

“Is this good or bad?”

Sometimes we have a conclusion. Sometimes not.

Here is a teaser for one of the episodes: GOOD or BAD: Monogamy.

If you have suggestions for “good or bad” topics, please let me know in the comments.

Or, if you have opinions on monogamy, leave them in the comments and I hope we read out some comments in the episode.


The post Good or Bad: Monogamy appeared first on James Altucher.

from James Altucher via website design phoenix