Friday, July 31, 2020

What the FAQ? 4 Critical Questions That Need Answers TODAY

[Editor’s Note: Check out the full article in today’s issue of The Altucher Report! If you’re not already a subscriber, click here for more information.]

I hate being scared. I hate being anxious. This is 2001 and 2008 rolled together, times 10.

Both those years I fell apart. Emotionally, financially, family, health, everything. I wanted to learn from my mistakes, so that’s been my focus. Knock on wood, I’m stressed but surviving, and I hope others are as well.

Now for some frequently asked BIG questions: What if elections are delayed? Why is the market disconnected from the economy? Will we have hyperinflation? AND WHAT THE HECK SHOULD I DO? 


Trump has stated that if there is a hint of election fraud, he might delay the elections. 

What the heck? But wait, before you panic:

There is always a good reason and a real reason.

Don’t forget that words are like 3D chess.

(A simple Google search on “elections” shows that the entire discussion is now being set by Trump’s “hint.” Was this his plan? To dominate the discussion?)

The sheep listen with one-dimensional ears. The newspaper says something, and people believe it. But you are not sheep. 3D chess is to ask, “Why did someone say that? What is their real objective?” Even if we don’t know the answer, it’s good to ask the question.

Words are the tip of the iceberg and you have to figure out the real story under that word. 

I always try to remember this: There’s always a good reason and a REAL reason. 

Example: If my daughter wants to “study at the library,” the good reason is, “I’m trying to get good grades, Daddy!” and the real reason might be, “Boys are at the library right now!”

Both reasons are correct. But the real reason is the story. And the way to navigate the world is to understand people’s real incentives and stories. 

Second example: Kanye is running for president. He might have a lot of good reasons. Like being disappointed in Trump or Biden or whatever. But his real reason might be that he was dropping a new album the next week.

By the way, I like the name of his political party, “The Birthday Party.”

There’s a persuasion lesson there. It stands out. It’s visual and it feels good. I feel like cakes and gifts and hugs and wishes. And I feel like laughing. So it makes me feel good, I get the joke, and I’ll listen to the album. Real reason wins. 

In business, politics, relationships, use words that are visual, that are unique, that make people feel what you want them to feel. Nobody has ever used “The Birthday Party” before to describe a political party. I honestly love it. I want a birthday party!

Trump’s real reason for stating he might delay elections could be to take an extreme position and back off from that later. He’s done that often. Or he might simply want to be in the headlines whenever anyone types “election.”

Remember: He seldom says a strategy in advance and yet this time he’s doing it so we should figure out what the real reason is. To be honest, I don’t know it. 

But here’s what WE NEED TO KNOW: The 20th and the12th Amendments to the Constitution.

The 20th Amendment (Section 4) specifically states that if there’s no president or vice-president elected by Inauguration Day (January 20, 2021 in this case), then the House gets to choose the president. 

Boom! That’s all you need to know. Trump knows this. Democrats know this. The Supreme Court knows this. But the media doesn’t seem to be sharing this. This is why I always ask: What’s really going on here?

3D thinking has never been more important than now. You cannot trust the usual sources, no matter what your politics or beliefs look like.

So election delay or not, January 20 we will have a new president.

In today’s issue of The Altucher Report, check out my thoughts on questions two through four:


Why is the stock market disconnected from the economy?

Will there be hyper-inflation… or deflation?

What does this mean for me?

The post What the FAQ? 4 Critical Questions That Need Answers TODAY appeared first on James Altucher.

from James Altucher via website design phoenix

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Can Andrew Yang Save the World? I Find Out

Here’s why I liked Andrew Yang when he was running for president: you could tell there was no bullshit. 

He would say things on the debate stage like, “I’m Asian so I know a lot of doctors.” 

Things like that would show he was completely unscripted. He felt like someone I could have a coffee with instead of someone who was trying to win over groups that his polls told him were important. 

I had two big questions for him a year ago. 

First, is automation really the problem with future job loss? 

My point, with many historical examples, is that automation leads to greater profits, which lead to greater opportunities for new innovations and jobs. 

Given that, how necessary is a universal basic income (UBI) to help transition people from one industry to another? If the new opportunities arise quickly, do we need a UBI at all? 

He answered this in the podcast. 

Second, I was also curious about the campaign itself. 

There was one debate when Bernie Sanders was asked a question (about student loans) and I knew Andrew had the PERFECT answer. 

But he didn’t raise his hand or interrupt like all the other candidates were doing. 

How come? 

I asked and he answered. 

Here are some of the things we discussed:

  • How did he psychologically prepare for the presidential campaign?
  • Depressing moments during the campaign.
  • How to reform Congress. (Including a suggestion by me that he AGREED with.)
  • Does automation really cause job loss?
  • UBI, UBI, UBI.
  • Are we heading towards deflation or inflation?
  • 2024?
  • What would he do in Seattle or Portland?
  • How will education reform?
  • Police reform!His solution to reduce or eliminate police brutality.
  • What does it mean to be “out of the workforce”?Where do those people go?
  • Congressional reform.


Here is the podcast. 

Please subscribe and listen. I have some great guests coming and I’m really trying to understand all the many complex issues that are plaguing us. 

Andrew is a great guest and there are many more coming. Again, here’s the link to listen in.


The post Can Andrew Yang Save the World? I Find Out appeared first on James Altucher.

from James Altucher via website design phoenix

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Raz Ski Masks Are Upsetting Me

I have to admit I’m a little nervous. Not so much about the stock market or economy. But about ski-masks and dead kids.

The economy is not “up” or “down.” It’s “tilted.” It’s a 3D economy for the first time and not the 1D economy it has been for 100 years.

What does that mean?

It means there are trillions of dollars floating around, but people are hungry and scared. It means that there are more opportunities than ever, but it’s harder than ever to find them.

That topic is for other articles. For the first time in 15 years, I’m excited about starting a new company. But…

BUT BUT BUT… But… But… I’m scared. I’m anxious and it feels bad.

A few weeks ago, African-American teenagers were shot in the CHAZ in Seattle. EMTs tried to help but protesters with guns wouldn’t let them. The teenagers bled out and died.

The Seattle mayor and governor asked the federal government not to get involved so they didn’t.

Then, when the protesters said to the mayor, “We’re going to take your house also!” she sent troops in immediately and shut the whole thing down.

What. The…?

Is it worse in Portland? I don’t know. Protesters prevented people from entering into a courthouse. Then they set fire to the courthouse. How come? Thank god nobody died.

Peaceful protesters have legitimate concerns. And the people anxious about violence have legitimate concerns.

Kids died. I have five kids.

We know what Martin Luther King would do: He would march, boycott, strike, etc. while talking to leaders about how to move forward on specific goals.

Malcolm X (post 1963) would do the same, with the exception that if force were used against him while he was peacefully protesting, he would use equivalent force back.

In NYC, people threw Molotov cocktails at police cars. Then tried to break into residential buildings. Why?

I called up Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams. An African-American who spent 22 years on the police force and is now running for mayor. More than that, he’s a good friend.

He told me, “It’s not easy to make a Molotov cocktail. If you were to try and make one, you’d probably blow yourself up.”

How and why did these people do that? We have no idea right now.

In St. Louis, in the middle of a protest, an African-American former police officer was shot and killed.

My 18-year-old daughter said to me, “Look at this,” and I watched a video on Twitter of that officer mouthing words while his blood spread all around him and the guy taking the video was shouting, “We just wanted a TV, man! We just wanted a TV!”

Why is it so easy now to watch videos of people dying? Do people no longer have nightmares? Is there a vaccine for anxiety?

Two weeks ago, a former roommate of mine killed himself. He was the theater teacher at a local school. The kids loved him.

I feel bad I didn’t stay in touch with as well as I should have. You can’t bottle it in. I can’t bottle it in.

People are scared also about the federal government. I am, too. The people of Oregon do not want federal troops sent in. The elected officials do not want federal troops sent in. And with reason. It feels authoritarian to do that. There are too many instances in history where that can turn ugly.

People are saying, “It’s illegal!” or “It’s despotic!” I don’t know. So I looked it up.

On June 11, 1963, the governor of Alabama did not want federal troops sent in. The protesters in Alabama did not want federal troops sent in. The majority of people in Alabama did not want federal troops sent in.

President Kennedy invoked Sec. 334, Title 10 of the U.S. code and “federalized” the National Guard. Those troops escorted a young girl to her class, passing the governor and the protesters who were trying to stop integration.

It doesn’t matter who you want for president. Issues like this are not partisan.

We should all say, “No teenagers can die.” Nobody seems to be covering this. Everyone is so partisan one way or the other.

It seems like people are afraid to give their opinions. But that’s an entirely different story.

Because now I am truly convinced we are in the middle of a giant VR simulation. We’re a dusty computer labeled “2020” in the back of some lab in the 27th dimension.

Raz Simone is the “warlord” who prevented emergency medical technicians from entering the CHAZ and helping the teenagers who were bleeding out and died.

When they shut down the CHAZ, he basically disappeared. Where is he?

Nobody cares. I do. What is “Warlord” Raz of CHAZ up to? I looked it up.

He is now selling ski masks at his online store.

What the…?

Are. You. F***ING. Kidding. Me?

Has the world gone batshit crazy?

We don’t know. And I, for one, am anxious about it.

The post Raz Ski Masks Are Upsetting Me appeared first on James Altucher.

from James Altucher via website design phoenix

Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Great Reset Pt. 3: How Does One Tell a Story?

After I sold my first company, I went dead-broke within two years. I remember looking at my bank account by accident at an ATM machine: $143.

I was going to lose my house for sure. I had no way to save it. And I assumed people would hate me since I hated myself.

I had two baby girls and I thought about killing myself because I felt so worthless I thought it would be good if they forgot me —  that my life insurance policy would be worth much more to them.

I couldn’t wake up some days. I couldn’t think. I went to a psychiatrist and he asked, “How can I help you?” and I said, “The only thing that can help me is if you write me a check for $1 million.”

He laughed and said, “I don’t think that would help you,” and at the time I thought he was wrong.

One day I wandered into a restaurant supply store.

I bought 100 waiter’s pads for $10. I thought they were beautiful. The size. The color. The “working” feeling they gave me. I started writing on them. Not articles because they were too small.

Just lists. 10 ideas a day. 10 ideas every single day. Ideas for businesses. For books. Ideas for other people to use.

Soon I had ideas for a business I wanted to create. And ideas for how to value investments. And ideas for other people to use and I would share my ideas and the people I sent them to would open up opportunities for me.

Sometimes I would make ideas for chapter titles.

Some keys to writing idea lists:

  • Most ideas will be bad. The point is exercising the idea muscle.
  • Consistency. 10 ideas every day.
  • Write ideas for other people and share them (on occasion).
  • Idea sex: Take two ideas and combine them. For example: Star Wars = science fiction + Westerns.

One time I was thinking of writing an idea list for a book idea, “The 24 Rules of Money.”

I never wrote the book (again, most ideas I will do nothing with, it’s the exercise that counts). But here is a list of some of the chapter titles:

More on idea lists and “idea math” another time.

The point is: PAS.

Problem, agitation, solution. 

I had a problem. I was rich for the first time in my life. I had never had money before. And I spent like an idiot. And then I was broke.

Agitation: I was doing worse at each job.

And I had a solution: Start being creative again. Start taking action. Write ideas and share them. Exercise my idea muscle. And ultimately this led to new ideas. New careers. New businesses.

And then I went broke again. And again. But that’s another story.

This is the essence of copywriting: to use words and stories to persuade people. It’s a bit more complicated than PAS but critical for all business. PAS is lesson #1 in copywriting. I will describe more techniques another time.

IMPORTANT: In the Great Reset, all the degrees and credentials in the world will no longer help you.

There are two types of skills but you only need to master one or the other. 

  1. Technical skills: This can range from programming, to setting up a WordPress blog or Shopify store, to… uploading a book onto Amazon. 
  2. Storytelling skills: Writing, podcasting, speaking, copywriting, persuasion, marketing, creativity, etc. 

Remember, in the Great Reset: SKILLS > CREDENTIALS.

PAS is the basic, basic way of looking at storytelling. 

But let’s take a look at Star Wars: 

  • Problem: Luke’s parents are killed right when he gets a message to save a princess. 
  • Agitation: Getting off the planet, getting help, finding the princess, rescuing her is all “agitation.”
  • Solution: But nothing will save them unless they destroy the Death Star, which is the “solution.” 

And every part of that can have smaller PASs embedded in it.  A fractal of stories.

  • P: Han Solo owes money in the first scene we see him.
  • A: Greedo, the bounty hunter, finds him in the Cantina and might kill him. 
  • S: Han Solo shoots Greedo. 

Puzzle of the Week:

When I was broke, when I needed a personal Great Reset, I started off every day by reading some nonfiction (to learn things), some fiction (to get better at writing and storytelling), and a book about games or puzzles. And then I would write down my 10 ideas of the day.

Now, 18 years later, I still follow the same routine.

But why puzzles?

  • Puzzles exercise the brain and build new connections. 
  • Puzzles improve your memory. 
  • Puzzles increase your problem-solving ability.
  • Puzzles release dopamine, which improve your mood. 
  • Puzzles reduce stress, raise IQ, and prevent cognitive decline. 

The brain needs exercise. Puzzles are a safe way to force the brain to solve a problem and exercise. 

Here’s a puzzle that I was trying to solve recently. Enjoy!

The post The Great Reset Pt. 3: How Does One Tell a Story? appeared first on James Altucher.

from James Altucher via website design phoenix

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The Great Reset Part 2: The Spoke-and-Wheel Model

Editor’s note: This article began as 19 pages. So instead of sending it to you all at once, I broke it up into a series. Check out Part 1: Should We Care About the Economy? And stay tuned for more on this topic tomorrow.

In each newsletter I will offer some ideas and step-by-step suggestions for how to create a new business or a new “side hustle.”

I don’t like the word “hustle” because it’s not like driving for Uber Eats is going to make a serious living for someone. “Side hustles,” I’ve come to realize, are B.S. unless they can be scaled into businesses. Walking dogs as a side hustle will not make you wealthy. Or even make you a living.

Instead, I will only propose ideas that have the potential to change lives. 

Each idea should have the potential for what I call the spoke and wheel.

The wheel might be the core idea, but many spokes can come out of it. 

Let’s say you have a philosophy of how fitness should be done and you feel strongly about this idea. That’s “the wheel.”

Spokes for this idea might include: 

  • An online course
  • A newsletter
  • Zoom events
  • Speaking at real or virtual conferences
  • Doing a podcast about fitness
  • Writing a book
  • Selling activewear that is related to your fitness idea
  • Selling equipment
  • Integrating your ideas on fitness with diets, supplements, medicine. 
  • Consulting with other fitness businesses that need to pivot (a “meta” idea)

And so on. 

You need a strong idea to create a strong wheel. But it’s the spokes that make you money. Not every spoke makes equal amounts of money but will contribute to the other spokes. 

For instance, writing a book might not make money. But it will brand you as an expert and will perhaps lead to more people taking your online course or buying the activewear you put out. 

“But how do I create an activewear fashion line? I know nothing about fashion or manufacturing!” 

Don’t worry, we’ll cover all of that later in this series.

But first, a 30-day book challenge.

Occasionally I will give one of these challenges. It could be a way to make money. Or it might trigger ideas. Or you could share it with someone else.


The definition of a book has changed. If you go into a bookstore, most books are about 60,000 words and 250–300 pages. They all fit neatly into one of the topics organized around the different shelves in a bookstore. 

This is a relic of the past. A book can be any number of words, any number of pages, and about any topic you want. 

A friend of mine, Kamal Ravikant, once wrote a book called Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It. He wrote it in 2012. It’s 8,000 words. Maybe he sold over a million copies. I know he did very well with it. He sold it as an ebook and a paperback on Amazon. He self-published it. 

People say: “But isn’t it better to publish with a big publisher?” 

Maybe sometimes. Maybe not. 

When you self-publish you control the timing of book publication, the content, the marketing, the size of the book, the pricing, etc. And you make a greater percentage of revenues per book sold. 

Additionally, as my friend, Hugh Howey (author of the bestselling book Wool) has pointed out, self-published books tend to have higher reviews on Amazon (i.e., they are better on average) and have higher sales rankings on average.

They might not be in the top 10 books, but they are more likely to sell a consistent amount. 

One friend of mine writes one or more books a month. I don’t know exactly what he is making today but the last time I spoke with him, about two years ago, he was making $60,000 a month. 

If every book you write averages $500 a month (some will make more, some will make less), and you write a book a month, then by the end of the year you will be making $6,000 a month ($72,000 a year) and that’s BEFORE you add some of the other “spokes” we will talk about. 

Should you do this? I don’t know. I will be describing MANY business models and ideas in this newsletter. If you don’t like this one, wait for the next issue. But again, this can get you thinking. 


A) Pick a category that you are interested in and that if you learned more about it, your life would be better. Maybe “how to have better habits.” Maybe “persuasion.” Maybe “negotiation.” Maybe “parenting,” “entrepreneurship,” “memory,” “anti-aging.” And so on. 

B) Go to or Both of these are databases of academic papers.  Let’s say the category you are interested in was “entrepreneurship.” I just went to and searched “entrepreneurship” and 9,964 academic papers came up. 

C) Pick 10 of them. The 10 that most interest you. 

Here’s one that intrigued me: “Foundations of Entrepreneurship” by a professor from MIT and another professor from Toronto. 

Looks like the idea of the paper is that, at any given point, an entrepreneur has many choices, TOO MANY choices, about which direction to go when building a business. 

And they give some scientifically significant ways of identifying what the choices are, and how to optimize or take action for each choice. 

They give a historical example of Walt Disney early on in the paper. 

D) Write a chapter: 

  • Summarize the problem the paper points out
  • Summarize their solutions and any studies they did to prove their solutions
  • Give 1–3 historical examples, either from the paper or from other entrepreneurs you are interested in. 
  • If possible, give an example from your own life. 

BOOM! You have a chapter. 

There were many other papers I found on this particular search that looked fascinating. 

The entire point is: 

  •  Scientists don’t write for regular people. So all of these papers need to be “translated” for the layman. 
  • All of the papers are about real problems that entrepreneurs have faced. Including people starting businesses right now. These papers are written by scientists from respected institutions (which demonstrates “authority”).
  • Telling stories of historical examples will allow people to relate and will also demonstrate “authority.”
  • Telling stories from your own life will allow people to relate even more (and shows “social proof”).

E) Repeat 10 times. Now you have 10 chapters. 


  • People like numbered lists: The 10 Commandments, the four noble truths, etc.
  • “Scientifically” gives this an important concept in influence (See Influence by Robert Ciladini) called “authority.” People like to read things that have the stamp of authority on them.
  • Social proof is another influence technique. By giving historical examples (which can also be “authority”) and by giving your examples, you will establish social proof. 

G) Go to For less than $100 you can get a nice cover designed. 

H) Now you have a 10-chapter book that is about 20–40 pages. Maybe even more. If you do one chapter every three days, you will have a book in 30 days. 

I) Make an audiobook. Go to and look at its suggestions. Audiobook sales might be greater than regular book sales. 

J) Upload to Amazon as a Kindle ebook AND a paperback AND an audiobook.

Many people think self-publishing is just an ebook. 

Don’t fall into that trap. Just doing an ebook looks very unprofessional. For free, you can also make it a paperback on Amazon. And you can also upload it to Audible, which is owned by Amazon. 

For Choose Yourself, a book I self-published on Amazon in 2013, I still make more money per month on the audiobook than on the other versions of the book. 

K) Price the ebook, at first, at $0.99, and make deals with companies like BookBub to market your book at launch. 

L) You get to pick up to 10 categories for your book. Make them as niche as possible because, for at least a few of the categories, you would like to be #1. 

For instance, the No. 1 book in “Textbooks/Business Entrepreneurship” (so it’s a “bestseller”) is ranked #2,859 in the overall Amazon store. That means it probably sells about 50–80 books a day. That’s not a lot.

On the day of launch, if you also have some marketing efforts going and you have all your friends buying, then suddenly you will have a bestselling Amazon book. For other categories, you want to go where there is a lot of demand so people see your book, see that it is a “bestseller” and will take a closer look. 

How do you do more marketing for your book? 

I will cover this more extensively later on. Marketing a book deserves an entire edition of this newsletter.

But the first rule of marketing a book: Write your second book. You can try the technique I’ve outlined above but in other categories. Or, in future issues of this newsletter, I will outline more 30-day book challenges. 

Also, don’t forget the spoke-and-wheel approach. Now that you have a book, you can do consulting around it, speeches (either virtual or, as events start to happen again, at real events), make a podcast around the ideas of the book, etc. Spokes! 

And don’t forget to stay tuned for more from this series tomorrow.

The post The Great Reset Part 2: The Spoke-and-Wheel Model appeared first on James Altucher.

from James Altucher via website design phoenix

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Great Reset Part 1: Should We Care About the Economy?

Editor’s note: This article began as 19 pages. So instead of sending it to you all at once, I’ll be breaking it up into a series over the next few days. Stay tuned for a LOT more on this topic.

There’s not going to be a “new normal.” What was so great about “normal” anyway? This newsletter is for people who don’t really want to go back to “normal.”

The Great Reset is happening. A different world is being created. 

Trillions of dollars have been airlifted into this economy and it’s going to change everything you do, every opportunity you think you have, every news event that has cast its light onto society. 

The goal of this newsletter is to find the signal in the noise and provide important new information about the Great Reset. What is going on in the economy? What skills do you need? And step-by-step tutorials on getting those skills. Business opportunities and step-by-step how to execute on them. And fun.


The U.S. economy normally spends $4 trillion a quarter, give or take. 

Because everyone was ordered to stay home for 3–5 months (and many still forced to stay home), the number being discussed privately by the Federal Reserve — maybe $2 trillion that normally would’ve been spent — has not been spent. 

Hence why the CARES stimulus package was $2.2 trillion. Replace the money! 

Unfortunately, they did not replace it so well. Some notes on the stimulus package: 

Money that goes to large companies (sometimes called “bailouts”) does not get spent. That money is used to pay down debt, or is just put in the bank. 

Money that goes to wealthy people does not get spent. Sending $10,000 to someone worth $10 million  just goes into the bank and never gets spent. 

So probably 2/3 of the stimulus package was put in the bank and will not hit the economy for a long time. It will hit the economy eventually, due to the way banks operate (will explain at some other point), but it is not being spent TODAY. 

The money that does get spent is the direct stimulus: the $1,200 checks. And only the $1,200 checks that were sent to people with less than a few thousand in savings in the bank, which is most people (the average American had $400 in savings BEFORE the pandemic). 

Combine this money with some of the unemployment insurance that was given out and we see that about $500 billion, give or take, is actually being spent during this time. 

This is much less than needed to restore the economy quickly, despite what pundits are saying.

The rest will be spent, but over the next 12–18 months, as banks get more comfortable using the extra money in corporate bank accounts to lend mortgages, small business loans, and so on. But that is a slow process and has not begun yet. 

In a few editions of this newsletter, I’ll conduct a basic economics class so one can see what is really going on behind the scenes. 

But today, the important thing is: The money has not yet been spent. And with one out of three people laid off during this period (although many coming back to work now), people are filled with uncertainty. 

People ask me, “Why is the stock market disconnected from the economy?” In other words, the economy feels like a wreck right now. Why are the markets over or near all time highs again?



Example: Starbucks is two blocks away from my apartment in NYC. In between my apartment and Starbucks, there used to be three or four mom-and-pop small cafes. 

These cafes did a vibrant business for years. Now… they are gone. Out of business. When the dust clears, it will be seen that Starbucks has gained market share and increased profits for the long run. 

(As of June 25. The final numbers could be worse but they won’t be better.)

Across the United States, bigger, well-financed companies (i.e., the companies on the stock market) are crushing smaller “Main Street” companies. 

At first glance, this is horrible. Millions affected. We all agree with this. But we must start interpreting every piece of data with, “Where is the opportunity?”

One opportunity is to buy stocks that will gain market share. But this has been happening.

And bit by bit we will explore other opportunities (restaurants vs. commissary kitchens, for instance, or ecommerce, fitness, fashion, etc.).

Walmart, for instance, remained open this entire time because it was deemed “essential.” But small clothing stores were closed down and about 30–50% of them will remain closed and out of business forever. 

So the big companies have won, crushing the small. The stock market indices are weighted by the biggest companies, the ones that have done the best during this period, so the indices are not quite a measure of the economy during this period, but a measure of how well the big companies have crushed the small. 

Hence, the market goes up. For our purposes, this is neither good or bad — just something to note. Eyes must be open to the truth and not to the mindless banter in the headlines or on social media. 


The market is often correlated to how much money supply is in the economy. With an extra $2 trillion coming from the stimulus package, that money will eventually find itself in the markets. 

Also, there is anticipation of inflation. Inflation drives up the price of everything that is bought with dollars, including stocks. 

There currently IS ZERO inflation. Below is the current inflation index. Since the beginning of 2020 it has gone negative. We are experiencing massive deflation. 

Many people ask: Won’t there be massive INFLATION?

Again, I will save the reasons for a future “Economics for the Great Reset” edition of this newsletter. But at the moment, people are more worried about inflation than actually exists. 

We often see that often the “smartest” and the “wisest” are busy with their computers and their theories and ignore actual reality. But people who are taking action quickly realize the truth.

When you get an email that says “40% off clothes at this weekend only!” this is not really a special sale. These are the ACTUAL PRICES of those clothes. 

Rents in New York City right now are 30% down, the largest decrease in maybe forever. 

Warren Buffett has called deflation the worst thing that can happen to an economy. Because when people realize prices are going down, they stop buying. Why should I rent in NYC today when it will be cheaper next month? And this creates a deflationary spiral down. 

The Federal Reserve would LOVE for there to be inflation again but there are many reasons why there isn’t. In fact, we were probably in a deflationary period even before this pandemic hit. 

The only two times in the past century where there was deflation in the U.S. was in 1930–1933, the beginning of the Great Depression, and in 2008, during the Great Recession. 

And, of course, we are there now, during the Great Reset.


The market is not a measurement of the economy but a measurement of uncertainty. 

On March 23, the market hit a low because Congress rejected the first version of the stimulus bill. 

(S&P 500 over the last six months.)

The economy wasn’t the worst on March 23. It got worse in April and May. But the world had the most uncertainty that day. 

The economy was shut down for who knows how long? No money was coming. How deadly was this virus? And so on. 

The next day, the market shot up because the stimulus bill was passed. So that created a bit more certainty about the finances of the country. 

And after that, by mid-April, it looked like virus cases and deaths had peaked (which is still the case) and that created a lot more certainty. 

Then earnings reports started coming in — the first since the pandemic had started, and regardless of good or bad news, at least we got some certainty. And, also for the reasons above, the markets started to go up and have yet to come down. 


I’m normally very bullish and optimistic on the stock market. But I do think the market will take a pause and perhaps (it’s impossible to predict) have another dip down. 

There’s a lot of uncertainty: 

How long will things be closed? Originally the U.S. wanted to “flatten the curve.” This meant that the same number of people would be infected by the virus but over a long period of time so as not to overwhelm the healthcare system. 

But now the definitions are moving around. Again, there is no point in determining if this is hypocritical or not. Often in society, goals, objectives, data, opinions change for many reasons. We cannot fight them (believe me, I’ve tried — and that will be another story for sure). 

Much of America wants to lock down until the virus is essentially gone. 

What effects does the virus have on people, even children, who are asymptomatic? Do they get other issues in life? We don’t know but there are many rumors being reported. 

Will there be a vaccine? Some say yes. Others say COVID-19 is a variation of the common cold, which is also a coronavirus, and we’ve been working for 50 years on a vaccine for the common cold and we aren’t even close. 

Will the world eventually hit herd immunity? 

Are people immune after they get antibodies? We actually have no clue. Again, look to the example of the common cold. There does seem to be some immunity but it lasts about 2–3 months. 

Are there any good prophylactic medicines? The answer is that there certainly are, although the search for a vaccine has taken precedence, perhaps for political reasons. We just don’t know. 

How many businesses are truly gone? Since much of the economy is still closed, we don’t really know. Yelp has suggested that about 50% of restaurants are permanently gone. I believe this. The average restaurant had only two weeks of cash on hand when the pandemic began. The PPP loan helped somewhat but now we are over four months later so there has been much uncertainty. We do know that many chains have announced either bankruptcies or store closures. Here are a few: 

  • Victoria’s Secret filed for bankruptcy.
  • Zara has closed 1,200 stores.
  • La Chapelle has closed 4391 stores.
  • Chanel stopped production.
  • Patek Philippe stops production.
  • Rolex, too.
  • Nike has a total of $ 23 billion in debt preparing for the second phase of layoffs.
  • Gold’s gym filed for bankruptcy
  • The founder of Airbnb said that because of the pandemic, 12 years of effort were destroyed in six weeks.
  • Even Starbucks also announced that it would be closing 400 stores forever.
  • Nissan Motor Co. may close in the U.S.
  • The largest car rental company, Hertz, filed for bankruptcy. It also owns Thrifty and Dollar.
  • The largest shipping company (Comcar, with 4,000 trucks) declared bankruptcy.
  • The oldest retail company, JCPenney, filed for bankruptcy and will be acquired by Amazon for a penny.
  • The largest investor in the world, Warren Buffett, has lost $ 50 billion in the last two months.
  • The largest investment company in the world, BlackRock, is signaling a disaster in the global economy.
  • The largest shopping center in America, Mall of America, has ceased to pay mortgages.

The following are major retailers that announced the closure:

  • The Gap
  • Victoria’s Secret
  • Bath & Body Works
  • Forever 21
  • Walgreens
  • GameStop
  • Pier 1 Imports
  • Nordstrom
  • Papyrus
  • Chico’s
  • Destination Maternity
  • Modell’s
  • Bose
  • Art Van Furniture
  • Olympia Sports 

(h/t Hanson So)

Additionally, isolation and anxiety has bred more uncertainty: 

The “Black Lives Matter” protests: These are often peaceful protests and demand well-needed reform. But the ensuing violence and corruption of some of these protests for other agendas has created uncertainty. In NYC alone, there has been the greatest increase in shootings and murders in decades. 

And there is great uncertainty about these protests. What will happen if there is more police brutality? What will happen if one of the officers in Minnesota doesn’t get convicted? 

China / India tensions: Including shots fired between opposing armies and people killed.

The elections: The headlines on both sides of the fence are disturbing. Again, ignore the headlines but study the reasons for those headlines. 

Some newspapers say Joe Biden is in serious cognitive decline. Others say Trump will refuse the results of the election and try to stay in office. 

Neither of these headlines is likely true, but this is how polarizing the Great Reset has pushed world events. 

Cancel culture has spiked: Again, not interpreting, just noting. But it has created a culture of fear in corporations, media, academia. Solutions and reforms are needed. But there also needs to be discussion where people are not afraid.

The people who are ready for the Great Reset are not arguing about these points. They are noting them, they are staying creative, they are staying healthy, and they are looking for opportunities. 

How far will cancel culture go? We don’t know. It won’t go forever. Because once you cancel everybody you will have succeeded in canceling nobody. 

There are reforms needed (and I will discuss in a future edition) but my point is that great uncertainty still exists and will eventually pause the markets. 

The election might relieve us of some of this uncertainty, but we’ll see. In every poll and in the prediction markets, it’s looking like Biden will win.

What we do know: Every industry will change…

  • Content creation
  • Fashion
  • Food / restaurants
  • Consulting
  • Video conferencing / events 
  • Manufacturing / supply chains / logistics
  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Ecommerce / automated commerce / live commerce
  • Social media
  • Sports
  • Travel
  • Big Data
  • Telemedicine

And so on. 

Tomorrow, I’ll go into how to build a business for this new abnormal.

The post The Great Reset Part 1: Should We Care About the Economy? appeared first on James Altucher.

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