Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Ep. 165 – Dr. Ron Paul: How Voting for Yourself Creates Wealth and Freedom

“You’re scaring me now,” I said.

“Don’t scare me.”

I was laughing. But I meant it.

The news, the doom and gloom, the fear, it makes fresh air turn to vomit.

Chunky streams of acid.

I bet Ron Paul has thin stomach lining.

We were talking about freedom. And if there’s any left.

I usually ignore all the doom and gloom. That’s what works for me. But we talked about opportunities, hope, trends, the innovation economy.

And freedom.

“I don’t even like politics. I did it only because I could get a voice out there telling people what was going on, what you need to do, and what the substitute has to be. Believe me, we’re going to have a chance,” Ron Paul says on today’s podcast.

Did you hear that?

“We’re going to have a chance…”

I like that.

If you pay attention, you’ll see the future is already here.

What does that mean for you?

I don’t know. Maybe you’ll go to space or make millions investing in robotics.

You have thousands of new opportunities to create your own wealth and freedom.

And you can start right now.

I’ll tell you how to make money off of rising trends in today’s podcast. This is rare. But you’ll hear about my plan to profit in this innovation economy.

I don’t want to choke on my own vomit. I’m choosing myself.

I’m voting for me and investing in my future.

Who will you vote for?

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The post Ep. 165 – Dr. Ron Paul: How Voting for Yourself Creates Wealth and Freedom appeared first on Altucher Confidential.

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