Monday, April 17, 2017

“Why are you even doing this podcast?” Dave asked me.

“Because I love my guests. I get to pick up the phone and call them and ask them anything I want.”

From Peter Thiel to Tony Robbins to Coolio to Sara Blakely, I simply love them. And maybe Coolio would never talk to me unless I had something called a “podcast.”

I don’t even know what that stupid word means. Am I sitting in some sort of “pod” like Major Tom. Is ground control listening to me talk to Daymond John?

One person said to me: “But there’s no theme. You talk to entrepreneurs, rappers, random writers… JUST WHAT IS YOUR THEME?” He really wanted to know.

Humans are NOT themes. Coolio was talking to me about the value of the U.S. dollar. Mark Cuban was telling me what he was doing the second he became a billionaire. Yuval Noah Harari was telling me about the next step in our evolution. Humans want to reach out and touch each other. They want to connect. They want to have something they leave behind.

I open the door and say, you can come over here and leave something behind that hopefully people will listen to and enjoy for years.

Yesterday, I read a book that was a page-turner. It was a book about nothing to do with anything I’ve ever read before.

I noticed the author has another book coming out soon…

As soon as I was done with the book, I wrote to him and said, “Can I talk to you?” And he wrote write back and said, “Yes!” And I said to myself “Yay!”

I know the more times a day I say “YAY!” the longer I will live. Please, please, please promise me you will say “Yay!” a lot today.

It might not work for you. But you can tell me later. We can play chess in the park when we are 100 years old and our backs hurt and we hold each other up when the day ends and the pieces are scattered by the wind, the game unfinished.

By the time this post ends, I am going make you say “Yay!”

Because I love my guests so much, and I love them because I mostly love their books, I want you to love them as much as I do and I want you have their books.

I’ve picked out 20 of the books of my guests or some of their book recommendations. Some of them haven’t even appeared on the show yet.

And I want you to have them. All 20. I will pay for them and ship them to you.

Some books in this giveaway are the sort of books I call “IQ books”. I read them and I feel like my IQ is going up. “Sapiens”, “Bold”, “Wonderland” are like that and several others.

Other books are about amazingly intelligent people who are sharing their lives and I am just blown away by not only their experiences and their intelligence but also how their playfulness often inspired them to greatness. “A Man for All Markets” and “Moneyball” fall into those categories.

I’m trying to get those two, in particular, on my podcast, but I think they know my game and they aren’t playing it.

And there’s a third category on this list which includes books I personally used to get myself to be a better investor.

The investing world is constantly changing. But to get good you have to know the foundation and many of these books are foundational, even the one  fiction book  (a financial thriller from  the 1970s) that snuck it’s way onto this list.

I can’t give all 20 books to all the people who read this, but I can give them to some people. See the bottom of this post (and then you can say “Yay!”)

Here are the books I’m giving out:

(By the way, for those who wonder why I would do this, I have no clue. Maybe you can give me an answer why I would do this. I just want to run into you in the street and then we can all talk about the books we love. Yay!)

  1. Tools of Titans” by Tim Ferris’s
  2. Bold” by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler
  3. Abundance” by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler
  4. Unshakeable” by Tony Robbins
  5. Damn Right!” (biography of Charlie Munger) by Janet Lowe
  6. Wonderland” by Steven Johnson
  7. Payoff” by Dan Ariely
  8. The Billion Dollar Sure Thing” by Paul Erdman
  9. Sapiens” by Yuval Noah Harari
  10. Moneyball” by Michael Lewis
  11. The Undoing Project” by Michael Lewis
  12. Stealing Fire” by Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal
  13. Essays of Warren Buffett” by Warren Buffett and Lawrence  Cunningham
  14. The Black Swan” by Nassim Taleb
  15. Fooled By Randomness” by Nassim Taleb
  16. A Man For All Markets” by Edward O. Thorp and Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  17. Too Big To Fail” by Andrew Ross Sorkin
  18. Elon Musk” by Ashlee Vance
  19. Hedge Fund Market Wizards” by Jack D. Schwager and Ed Seykota
  20. Reinvent Yourself” by James Altucher

Here’s the link if you want to sign up for my giveaway. I think it’s about $400-500 in value, but I haven’t added it up. Maybe it’s more.

There are also ways to increase the chances of getting all of the books. I describe them in this link:

I charge nothing. I want nothing. I just want to run into you and we can say, “We both loved these books.”


The post appeared first on Altucher Confidential.

from Altucher Confidential via website design phoenix

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