Monday, October 23, 2017

Either The Worst Review In The World or The Best

This is not the worst review I’ve ever had.

One time some reviewer posted, “James Altucher is a Zionist psychopath who poses as a ‘self help’ author.”

I am deeply offended by that statement.

For one thing, I’m not a ‘self help’ author.

I don’t give advice. I just tell my story. I tell other stories. People can decide for themselves what to do after that.

But this particular review for my recent book, “Reinvent Yourself” attached to this post is funny to me.

I get bad reviews all the time. One star reviews are just as much a sign of passion for your work as five star reviews.

And normally I never look at them. But this one I did. I picked it apart.

He starts off, “I wouldn’t read this…”

Meaning… he didn’t read it. If he didn’t read it, why did he review it?

Because he must either hate me or the title felt a little off to him for some reason. Most likely he hates me even though he doesn’t know me.

Call me. 203-512-2161. I’m not so bad if you just talk to me.

Second, and more important, he says, “if this were the last book on Earth.”

What happened!? Did we get into some sort nuclear / global warming / alien invasion apocalypse and everyone burned all the books except “Reinvent Yourself?

Like…the aliens came down and said, “People of Earth! Gather up all of your books into a big pile. Take “Cat in the Hat”, “Old Man and the Sea”, “Harry Potter”, etc etc and BURN THEM!”

And then…”Oh wait, what are you doing? STOP! Whatever you do don’t burn THAT one.” And thus the aliens protected all copies of “Reinvent Yourself“.

So in that scenario, shouldn’t whatever humans are still alive maybe read “Reinvent Yourself“?

If the planet was on it’s last legs and the only book left was something titled, “Reinvent Yourself” maybe there are some clues, some answers to the question, “Well what do we do now? How do we start all over?”

I don’t know. Maybe read a book called “Reinvent Yourself“.

The post Either The Worst Review In The World or The Best appeared first on Altucher Confidential.

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