Monday, July 8, 2019

I’m the Least Brilliant Idiot: The Most Intense Podcast I’ve Been On

Andrew got it all out of me. Which is why he was the most viewed comedian of 2018 on YouTube.

He called me up the day before.

“Charlemagne is out, can you come in and do the podcast?”

He was ready to go: Do billionaires kill people? How the heck could I lose all that money five times in a row? Am I the most brilliant idiot of all?

I let it all hang out. It’s hard to shock the master of shock.

Is Warren Buffett a scumbag?

Why is Bernie Madoff still screwing with me?

Why did the FBI contact me about Osama bin Laden?

How had I made and lost my first four fortunes? And what were the worst, most stupid things I did to make it back and then lose more?

Why did Yasser Arafat invest in me?

How is AI determining sports outcomes?

How to be at the cutting edge of comedy.

And much, much more…

The post I’m the Least Brilliant Idiot: The Most Intense Podcast I’ve Been On appeared first on James Altucher.

from James Altucher via website design phoenix

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