Friday, August 7, 2020

Podcast Corner: Andrew Yang, Tucker Max and More!

Andrew Yang Saves the World

I was really nervous for this one and giddy afterward. I’ve had a thousand questions for Andrew Yang, an American entrepreneur and former presidential candidate, and he answered all of them. We talk universal basic income, behind-the-scenes details of the campaign, law enforcement, career advice, and the most frustrating parts of running for president. Plus, will he run again? 

Read the show notes for the episode here. And watch a clip below.

Tucker Max Is Back Again! (Twice in One Week!)

Part 1: Initially, I called up my good friend, Tucker Max to talk about publishing books and the industry. BUT, we got derailed right from the beginning, and started talking about all the insanity! I “Why are you being gaslit?” he asked me. I asked Tucker what he thought was going on in the world. An hour later we finished Part 1 of the podcast.

Read the show notes for the episode here.

Part 2: Once we stopped ranting about gaslighting and insanity, we finally went into our favorite topic: WRITING and self-publishing! Tucker helped me brainstorm ideas for my bestselling book, “Choose Yourself” and he is a founder of Scribe Media, a unique publishing company that has helped writers from Tiffany Haddish to David Goggins write their books. We discussed different genres… and why memoirs are the easiest to write—and often the most successful. 

“No one reads your book to learn about you, they read your book to learn about themselves. But the way they learn about themselves is through your honest and vulnerable expressions of your emotions and experience.”–Tucker Max

Read the show notes for the episode here.

Also this week:

Side Hustle Friday: How to Write a Book in 30 Days and 12 Books in a Year

Instagram Q&A: Election Delays, A Million-Dollar Idea, and 3D Thinking

The post Podcast Corner: Andrew Yang, Tucker Max and More! appeared first on James Altucher.

from James Altucher via website design phoenix

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